Ashkan Norouzi-Fard
Ashkan Norouzi-Fard
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Better Guarantees for -Means and Euclidean -Median by Primal-Dual Algorithms
S Ahmadian, A Norouzi-Fard, O Svensson, J Ward
SIAM Journal on Computing 49 (4), FOCS17-97-FOCS17-156, 2019
Beyond 1/2-approximation for submodular maximization on massive data streams
A Norouzi-Fard, J Tarnawski, S Mitrovic, A Zandieh, A Mousavifar, ...
International Conference on Machine Learning, 3829-3838, 2018
The one-way communication complexity of submodular maximization with applications to streaming and robustness
M Feldman, A Norouzi-Fard, O Svensson, R Zenklusen
Journal of the ACM 70 (4), 1-52, 2023
Streaming robust submodular maximization: A partitioned thresholding approach
S Mitrovic, I Bogunovic, A Norouzi-Fard, JM Tarnawski, V Cevher
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 30, 2017
Space efficient approximation to maximum matching size from uniform edge samples
M Kapralov, S Mitrović, A Norouzi-Fard, J Tardos
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete …, 2020
Fairness in streaming submodular maximization: Algorithms and hardness
M El Halabi, S Mitrović, A Norouzi-Fard, J Tardos, JM Tarnawski
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33, 13609-13622, 2020
Correlation clustering in constant many parallel rounds
V Cohen-Addad, S Lattanzi, S Mitrović, A Norouzi-Fard, N Parotsidis, ...
International Conference on Machine Learning, 2069-2078, 2021
Dynamic facility location via exponential clocks
HC An, A Norouzi-Fard, O Svensson
ACM Transactions on Algorithms (TALG) 13 (2), 1-20, 2017
Data-driven rebalancing methods for bike-share systems
D Freund, A Norouzi-Fard, A Paul, C Wang, SG Henderson, DB Shmoys
Analytics for the sharing economy: Mathematics, engineering and business …, 2020
Fully dynamic algorithm for constrained submodular optimization
S Lattanzi, S Mitrović, A Norouzi-Fard, JM Tarnawski, M Zadimoghaddam
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33, 12923-12933, 2020
The minimum vulnerability problem
S Assadi, E Emamjomeh-Zadeh, A Norouzi-Fard, S Yazdanbod, ...
Algorithmica 70, 718-731, 2014
An efficient streaming algorithm for the submodular cover problem
A Norouzi-Fard, A Bazzi, I Bogunovic, M El Halabi, YP Hsieh, V Cevher
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 29, 2016
A novel probabilistic key management algorithm for large-scale manets
M Gharib, E Emamjomeh-Zadeh, A Norouzi-Fard, A Movaghar
2013 27th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and …, 2013
Towards tight lower bounds for scheduling problems
A Bazzi, A Norouzi-Fard
Algorithms-ESA 2015: 23rd Annual European Symposium, Patras, Greece …, 2015
Consistent k-clustering for general metrics
H Fichtenberger, S Lattanzi, A Norouzi-Fard, O Svensson
Proceedings of the 2021 ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA …, 2021
Streaming submodular maximization under matroid constraints
M Feldman, P Liu, A Norouzi-Fard, O Svensson, R Zenklusen
arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.07183, 2021
Fast and Accurate -means++ via Rejection Sampling
V Cohen-Addad, S Lattanzi, A Norouzi-Fard, C Sohler, O Svensson
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33, 16235-16245, 2020
Near-optimal correlation clustering with privacy
V Cohen-Addad, C Fan, S Lattanzi, S Mitrovic, A Norouzi-Fard, ...
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35, 33702-33715, 2022
Deletion robust submodular maximization over matroids
P Dütting, F Fusco, S Lattanzi, A Norouzi-Fard, M Zadimoghaddam
International Conference on Machine Learning, 5671-5693, 2022
Fairness and bias in online selection
J Correa, A Cristi, P Duetting, A Norouzi-Fard
International conference on machine learning, 2112-2121, 2021
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