A new regime of nanoscale thermal transport: Collective diffusion increases dissipation efficiency KM Hoogeboom-Pot, JN Hernandez-Charpak, X Gu, TD Frazer, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (16), 4846-4851, 2015
236 2015 Probing thermomechanics at the nanoscale: impulsively excited pseudosurface acoustic waves in hypersonic phononic crystals D Nardi, M Travagliati, ME Siemens, Q Li, MM Murnane, HC Kapteyn, ...
Nano letters 11 (10), 4126-4133, 2011
114 2011 Generation and control of ultrashort-wavelength two-dimensional surface acoustic waves at nanoscale interfaces Q Li, K Hoogeboom-Pot, D Nardi, MM Murnane, HC Kapteyn, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (19), 195431, 2012
72 2012 Pseudosurface acoustic waves in hypersonic surface phononic crystals D Nardi, F Banfi, C Giannetti, B Revaz, G Ferrini, F Parmigiani
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (10), 104119, 2009
58 2009 Design of a surface acoustic wave mass sensor in the 100 GHz range D Nardi, E Zagato, G Ferrini, C Giannetti, F Banfi
Applied Physics Letters 100 (25), 2012
48 2012 Engineering nanoscale thermal transport: Size-and spacing-dependent cooling of nanostructures TD Frazer, JL Knobloch, KM Hoogeboom-Pot, D Nardi, W Chao, ...
Physical Review Applied 11 (2), 024042, 2019
42 2019 Full characterization of the mechanical properties of 11–50 nm ultrathin films: influence of network connectivity on the Poisson’s ratio JN Hernandez-Charpak, KM Hoogeboom-Pot, Q Li, TD Frazer, ...
Nano Letters 17 (4), 2178-2183, 2017
37 2017 Ab initio thermodynamics calculation of all-optical time-resolved calorimetry of nanosize systems: Evidence of nanosecond decoupling of electron and phonon …F Banfi, F Pressacco, B Revaz, C Giannetti, D Nardi, G Ferrini, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (15), 155426, 2010
36 2010 Nondestructive measurement of the evolution of layer-specific mechanical properties in sub-10 nm bilayer films KM Hoogeboom-Pot, E Turgut, JN Hernandez-Charpak, JM Shaw, ...
Nano Letters 16 (8), 4773-4778, 2016
34 2016 Impulsively excited surface phononic crystals: a route toward novel sensing schemes D Nardi, M Travagliati, MM Murnane, HC Kapteyn, G Ferrini, C Giannetti, ...
IEEE Sensors Journal 15 (9), 5142-5150, 2015
31 2015 Interface nano-confined acoustic waves in polymeric surface phononic crystals M Travagliati, D Nardi, C Giannetti, V Gusev, P Pingue, V Piazza, G Ferrini, ...
Applied Physics Letters 106 (2), 2015
31 2015 Ultrafast laser pulses to detect and generate fast thermomechanical transients in matter C Giannetti, F Banfi, D Nardi, G Ferrini, F Parmigiani
IEEE Photonics Journal 1 (1), 21-32, 2009
30 2009 Temperature dependence of the thermal boundary resistivity of glass-embedded metal nanoparticles F Banfi, V Juvé, D Nardi, S Dal Conte, C Giannetti, G Ferrini, N Del Fatti, ...
Applied Physics Letters 100 (1), 2012
29 2012 Disentangling thermal and nonthermal excited states in a charge-transfer insulator by time-and frequency-resolved pump-probe spectroscopy C Giannetti, G Zgrablic, C Consani, A Crepaldi, D Nardi, G Ferrini, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (23), 235129, 2009
26 2009 Full characterization of ultrathin 5-nm low- dielectric bilayers: Influence of dopants and surfaces on the mechanical properties TD Frazer, JL Knobloch, JN Hernández-Charpak, KM Hoogeboom-Pot, ...
Physical Review Materials 4 (7), 073603, 2020
18 2020 Probing limits of acoustic nanometrology using coherent extreme ultraviolet light D Nardi, KM Hoogeboom-Pot, JN Hernandez-Charpak, M Tripp, SW King, ...
Metrology, Inspection, and Process Control for Microlithography XXVII 8681 …, 2013
16 2013 Characterization of ultrathin films by laser-induced sub-picosecond photoacoustics with coherent extreme ultraviolet detection Q Li, K Hoogeboom-Pot, D Nardi, C Deeb, S King, M Tripp, E Anderson, ...
Metrology, Inspection, and Process Control for Microlithography XXVI 8324 …, 2012
8 2012 Mechanical and thermal properties of nanomaterials at sub-50nm dimensions characterized using coherent EUV beams K Hoogeboom-Pot, J Hernandez-Charpak, T Frazer, X Gu, E Turgut, ...
Metrology, Inspection, and Process Control for Microlithography XXIX 9424 …, 2015
5 2015 Reliable characterization of materials and nanostructured systems<< 50nm using coherent EUV beams J Hernandez-Charpak, T Frazer, J Knobloch, K Hoogeboom-Pot, D Nardi, ...
Metrology, Inspection, and Process Control for Microlithography XXX 9778 …, 2016
3 2016 Optical and mechanical investigations of nanostructures for biomolecular detection G Malegori, D Nardi, F Banfi, C Giannetti, G Ferrini
Nanomedicine and cancer therapies 2, 2012
3 2012