Nazar Elfadil Mohamed
Nazar Elfadil Mohamed
Assoicate Professor of computer engineering, Fahad Bin Sultan University
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Pathloss determination using Okumura-Hata model and spline interpolation for missing data for Oman
Z Nadir, N Elfadhil, F Touati
Proceedings of the world congress on Engineering 1, 2-4, 2008
Cybersecurity Awareness Level: The Case of Saudi Arabia University Students
MG Wejdan Aljohni, Nazar Elfadil, Mutsam Jarajreh
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 12 (3 …, 2021
Self organizing neural network approach for identification of patients with congestive heart failure
N Elfadil, I Ibrahim
2011 International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems, 1-6, 2011
Measuring Cyber Security Awareness of Students: A Case Study at Fahad Bin Sultan University
NE Wejdan Aljohani
International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing 9 (6), 141 – 155, 2020
Identification of patients with congestive heart failure using different neural networks approaches
N Elfadil, A Hossen
Technology and Health Care 17 (4), 305-321, 2009
Microwave attenuation studies due to rain for communication links operating in Malaysia
N Elfadil, Z Nadir, A Salam, J Rao
Computer Sciences and Telecommunications, 9-17, 2005
Question Answering Systems: A Systematic Literature Review
SA Sarah Saad Alanazi , Nazar Elfadil, Mutsam Jarajreh
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 12 (3 …, 2021
Design and Development of Microcontroller Based Automatic Fish Feeder System
II Mohd, NHB Azizan, N Elfadil
International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing 10 (4), 25380-25383, 2020
Embedded Systems Pedagogical Issue: Teaching Approaches, Students Readiness, and Design Challenges
NE Intisar Ibrahim , Rosmah Ali , Mohamad Zulkefli
American Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications 3 (No. 1), 1-10, 2015
Automated knowledge acquisition based on unsupervised neural network and expert system paradigms
N Elfadil, D Isa
International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and …, 2003
Traffic light control design approaches: a systematic literature review.
NE Mohamed, II Radwan
International Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering (2088-8708) 12 (5), 2022
An approach for multi factor authentication for securing smart cards’ applications
NA Elfadil, YJ Al-raisi
2008 International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering, 368-372, 2008
Modification of an open area okumura-hata propagation model suitable for oman
N Elfadhil, A Al-Lawati, O Al-Qasmi, M Al-Gheithi, Z Nadir
TENCON 2005-2005 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 1-4, 2005
Embedded systems: Teaching and design challenges for nonhomogeneous classes
II Ridwan, II Mohamed, R Ali, N ElFadil
International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering 11 (10), 221-244, 2016
Development and validation of scale using rasch analysis to measure students’ entrepreneurship readiness to learn embedded system design course
II Ridwan, KR Salim, Z Adam, II Mohd, N El Fadil
Procedia Computer Science 172, 545-550, 2020
Support Vector Machine for Medical Image Classification of Tumorous
NE Reem Alrais
International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing 9 (6), 37 – 45, 2020
Rasch measurement analysis for validation instrument to evaluate students technical readiness for embedded systems
II Ridwan, R Ali, II Mohamed, MZ Adam, N Elfadil
2016 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), 2115-2119, 2016
Embedded System Design Student’s Learning Readiness Instruments: Systematic Literature Review
II Nazar Elfadil
Frontiers in Education 7, 1-15, 2022
Face recognition system approach based on neural networks and discrete wavelet transform
IM Alatawi, NE Mohamed
International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing 9 (9), 1-21, 2020
Biometric Authentication by Using Fingerprint Recognition System
NE Abdullah Saud
International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Science 4 (5), 22-28, 2020
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