Rabia Emhamed Al mamlook
Rabia Emhamed Al mamlook
University of Zawia
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Machine learning models for predicting the residual value of heavy construction equipment: An evaluation of modified decision tree, LightGBM, and XGBoost regression
A Shehadeh, O Alshboul, RE Al Mamlook, O Hamedat
Automation in Construction 129, 103827, 2021
Comparison of machine learning algorithms for predicting traffic accident severity
RE AlMamlook, KM Kwayu, MR Alkasisbeh, AA Frefer
2019 IEEE Jordan international joint conference on electrical engineering …, 2019
Predictive analytics and machine learning for real-time supply chain risk mitigation and agility
A Aljohani, R Almamlook
Sustainability 15 (20), 15088, 2023
A comparative performance of machine learning algorithm to predict electric vehicles energy consumption: A path towards sustainability
I Ullah, K Liu, T Yamamoto, RE Al Mamlook, A Jamal
Energy & Environment 33 (8), 1583-1612, 2022
Overview success criteria and critical success factors in project management
AA Frefer, M Mahmoud, H Haleema, R Almamlook
Industrial engineering & management 7 (1), 1-6, 2018
Decision-making and optimal design of green energy system based on statistical methods and artificial neural network approaches
MM Samy, RE Almamlook, HI Elkhouly, S Barakat
Sustainable Cities and Society 84, 104015, 2022
Investigation of the performance of machine learning classifiers for pneumonia detection in chest X-ray images
RE Al Mamlook, S Chen, HF Bzizi
2020 IEEE International Conference on Electro Information Technology (EIT …, 2020
Automated monkeypox skin lesion detection using deep learning and transfer learning techniques
AS Jaradat, RE Al Mamlook, N Almakayeel, N Alharbe, AS Almuflih, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20 (5), 4422, 2023
A collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm based on embedding representation
N Alharbe, MA Rakrouki, A Aljohani
Expert Systems with Applications 215, 119380, 2023
Risk assessment model for optimal gain–pain share ratio in target cost contract for construction projects
A Shehadeh, O Alshboul, O Hamedat, Almamlook, Rabia
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 148 (2), 04021197, 2022
Evaluating the impact of external support on green building construction cost: A hybrid mathematical and machine learning prediction approach
O Alshboul, A Shehadeh, G Almasabha, REA Mamlook, AS Almuflih
Buildings 12 (8), 1256, 2022
Factors affecting labor productivity in the construction industry
R Almamlook, M Bzizi, M Al-Kbisbeh, T Ali, E Almajiri
American Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering 4 (2), 24-30, 2020
Utilizing machine learning models to predict the car crash injury severity among elderly drivers
RE Al Mamlook, TZ Abdulhameed, R Hasan, HI Al-Shaikhli, I Mohammed, ...
2020 IEEE international conference on electro information technology (EIT …, 2020
Deep and machine learning approaches for forecasting the residual value of heavy construction equipment: A management decision support model
O Alshboul, A Shehadeh, M Al-Kasasbeh, RE Al Mamlook, N Halalsheh, ...
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management 29 (10), 4153-4176, 2022
Generating synthetic images for healthcare with novel deep pix2pix gan
A Aljohani, N Alharbe, R Almamlook
Electronics 11 (21), 3470, 2022
Prediction liquidated damages via ensemble machine learning model: Towards sustainable highway construction projects
O Alshboul, A Shehadeh, REA Mamlook, G Almasabha, AS Almuflih, ...
Sustainability 14 (15), 9303, 2022
Forecasting liquidated damages via machine learning-based modified regression models for highway construction projects
O Alshboul, MA Alzubaidi, REA Mamlook, G Almasabha, AS Almuflih, ...
Sustainability 14 (10), 5835, 2022
Machine learning-based model for predicting the shear strength of slender reinforced concrete beams without stirrups
O Alshboul, G Almasabha, A Shehadeh, REA Mamlook, AS Almuflih, ...
Buildings 12 (8), 1166, 2022
A comparative study of shear strength prediction models for SFRC deep beams without stirrups using Machine learning algorithms
O Alshboul, G Almasabha, KF Al-Shboul, A Shehadeh
Structures 55, 97-111, 2023
A fuzzy-logic approach based on driver decision-making behavior modeling and simulation
AIM Almadi, RE Al Mamlook, Y Almarhabi, I Ullah, A Jamal, N Bandara
Sustainability 14 (14), 8874, 2022
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