Infinite chiral symmetry in four dimensions C Beem, M Lemos, P Liendo, W Peelaers, L Rastelli, BC Van Rees
Communications in Mathematical Physics 336, 1359-1433, 2015
647 2015 The bootstrap program for boundary CFT d P Liendo, L Rastelli, BC van Rees
Journal of High Energy Physics 2013 (7), 1-52, 2013
389 2013 A natural language for AdS/CFT correlators AL Fitzpatrick, J Kaplan, J Penedones, S Raju, BC Van Rees
Journal of High Energy Physics 2011 (11), 1-55, 2011
373 2011 Real-time gauge/gravity duality: Prescription, Renormalization and Examples K Skenderis, BC van Rees
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356 2009 Real-time gauge/gravity duality K Skenderis, BC van Rees
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284 2008 The S-matrix bootstrap. Part I: QFT in AdS MF Paulos, J Penedones, J Toledo, BC van Rees, P Vieira
Journal of High Energy Physics 2017 (11), 1-45, 2017
260 2017 N<? format?>=<? format?> 4 Superconformal Bootstrap C Beem, L Rastelli, BC van Rees
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252 2013 The superconformal bootstrap C Beem, M Lemos, P Liendo, L Rastelli, BC van Rees
Journal of High Energy Physics 2016 (3), 1-101, 2016
241 2016 symmetry in six dimensionsC Beem, L Rastelli, BC van Rees
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229 2015 The (2, 0) superconformal bootstrap C Beem, M Lemos, L Rastelli, BC van Rees
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189 2016 Topologically massive gravity and the AdS/CFT correspondence K Skenderis, M Taylor, BC van Rees
Journal of High Energy Physics 2009 (09), 045, 2009
185 2009 Chiral algebras of class C Beem, W Peelaers, L Rastelli, BC Van Rees
Journal of High Energy Physics 2015 (5), 1-68, 2015
179 2015 The S-matrix bootstrap II: two dimensional amplitudes MF Paulos, J Penedones, J Toledo, BC Van Rees, P Vieira
Journal of High Energy Physics 2017 (11), 1-30, 2017
170 2017 Truncated conformal space approach in dimensions: A cheap alternative to lattice field theory? M Hogervorst, S Rychkov, BC van Rees
Physical Review D 91 (2), 025005, 2015
158 2015 The S-matrix bootstrap. Part III: higher dimensional amplitudes MF Paulos, J Penedones, J Toledo, BC van Rees, P Vieira
Journal of High Energy Physics 2019 (12), 1-41, 2019
152 2019 Holography for Schrödinger backgrounds M Guica, K Skenderis, M Taylor, BC van Rees
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150 2011 Unitarity violation at the Wilson-Fisher fixed point in dimensions M Hogervorst, S Rychkov, BC van Rees
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144 2016 More superconformal bootstrap C Beem, L Rastelli, BC van Rees
Physical Review D 96 (4), 046014, 2017
141 2017 Conformal invariance in the long-range Ising model MF Paulos, S Rychkov, BC van Rees, B Zan
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