Svenja B. Kroeger
Svenja B. Kroeger
Researcher, Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO)
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Strong social relationships are associated with decreased longevity in a facultatively social mammal
DT Blumstein, DM Williams, AN Lim, S Kroeger, JGA Martin
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 285 (1871), 20171934, 2018
Impacts of roads on bird species richness: A meta-analysis considering road types, habitats and feeding guilds
SB Kroeger, HM Hanslin, T Lennartsson, M D'Amico, J Kollmann, ...
Science of The Total Environment 812, 151478, 2022
Older mothers produce more successful daughters
SB Kroeger, DT Blumstein, KB Armitage, JM Reid, JGA Martin
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (9), 4809-4814, 2020
Age, state, environment, and season dependence of senescence in body mass
SB Kroeger, DT Blumstein, KB Armitage, JM Reid, JGA Martin
Ecology and Evolution 8 (4), 2050-2061, 2018
How social behaviour and life-history traits change with age and in the year prior to death in female yellow-bellied marmots
SB Kroeger, DT Blumstein, JGA Martin
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 376 (1823), 20190745, 2021
Cumulative reproductive costs on current reproduction in a wild polytocous mammal
SB Kroeger, DT Blumstein, KB Armitage, JM Reid, JGA Martin
Ecology and Evolution 8 (23), 11543-11553, 2018
The contribution of roadsides to connect grassland habitat patches for butterflies in landscapes of contrasting permeability
C Fischer, HM Hanslin, KA Hovstad, M D'Amico, J Kollmann, SB Kroeger, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 311, 114846, 2022
Roadside habitats and biodiversity conservation-a litterature review with focus on vascular plants and arthropods
T Lennartsson, W Axelsson Linkowski, J Wissman, A Westin, M D'Amico, ...
Roadside habitats and biodiversity conservation-a literature review with focus on vascular plants and arthropods. SLU Swedish Biodiversity Centre, 126, 1–160.
T Lennartsson, WA Linkowski, J Wissman, A Westin, M D'Amico, ...
Litteraturstudie av veitrafikkstøy og effekter på dyreliv
HM Hanslin, S Kroeger, U Bayr, I Hansen
NIBIO Rapport, 2023
Avdempende tiltak ved dyrking av jordbær utsatt for skadepress fra vånd
P Thorvaldsen, S Kroeger
NIBIO Rapport, 2022
Chronological and biological senescence in wild yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventer)
SB Kroeger
University of Aberdeen, 2017
Strong social relationships are associated with decreased longevity in a facultatively social
DT Blumstein, DM Williams, AN Lim, S Kroeger, J GA
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Articles 1–13