Sebastiaan Paul Mulders
Sebastiaan Paul Mulders
Delft Center for Systems and Control, Delft University of Technology
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The helix approach: Using dynamic individual pitch control to enhance wake mixing in wind farms
JA Frederik, BM Doekemeijer, SP Mulders, JW van Wingerden
Wind Energy 23 (8), 1739-1751, 2020
Delft Research Controller: an open-source and community-driven wind turbine baseline controller
SP Mulders, JW Van Wingerden
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1037 (3), 032009, 2018
Analysis and optimal individual pitch control decoupling by inclusion of an azimuth offset in the multiblade coordinate transformation
SP Mulders, AK Pamososuryo, GE Disario, JW Wingerden
Wind Energy 22 (3), 341-359, 2019
Preventing wind turbine tower natural frequency excitation with a quasi‐LPV model predictive control scheme
SP Mulders, TG Hovgaard, JD Grunnet, JW van Wingerden
Wind Energy 23 (3), 627-644, 2020
Data-enabled predictive control with instrumental variables: The direct equivalence with subspace predictive control
JW van Wingerden, SP Mulders, R Dinkla, T Oomen, M Verhaegen
2022 IEEE 61st Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2111-2116, 2022
Closed-loop aspects of data-enabled predictive control
R Dinkla, SP Mulders, JW van Wingerden, T Oomen
IFAC-PapersOnLine 56 (2), 1388-1393, 2023
Control design, implementation, and evaluation for an in-field 500 kW wind turbine with a fixed-displacement hydraulic drivetrain
SP Mulders, NFB Diepeveen, JW van Wingerden
Wind Energy Science 3 (2), 615-638, 2018
Control design for a two-bladed downwind teeterless damped free-yaw wind turbine
E van Solingen, J Beerens, SP Mulders, R De Breuker, ...
Mechatronics 36, 77-96, 2016
Wind turbine control: Open-source software for control education, standardization and compilation
SP Mulders, MB Zaaijer, R Bos, JW Van Wingerden
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1452 (1), 012010, 2020
On the ill-conditioning of the combined wind speed estimator and tip-speed ratio tracking control scheme
L Brandetti, Y Liu, SP Mulders, C Ferreira, S Watson, JW Van Wingerden
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2265 (3), 032085, 2022
Efficient tuning of individual pitch control: a Bayesian optimization machine learning approach
SP Mulders, AK Pamososuryo, JW Van Wingerden
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1618 (2), 022039, 2020
On wind farm wake mixing strategies using dynamic individual pitch control
J Frederik, B Doekemeijer, S Mulders, JW van Wingerden
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1618 (2), 022050, 2020
A practical Bayesian optimization approach for the optimal estimation of the rotor effective wind speed
N Moustakis, SP Mulders, J Kober, JW van Wingerden
2019 American Control Conference (ACC), 4179-4185, 2019
Periodic load estimation of a wind turbine tower using a model demodulation transformation
AK Pamososuryo, SP Mulders, R Ferrari, JW van Wingerden
2022 American Control Conference (ACC), 5271-5276, 2022
The proportional integral notch and Coleman blade effective wind speed estimators and their similarities
Y Liu, AK Pamososuryo, SP Mulders, RMG Ferrari, JW van Wingerden
IEEE Control Systems Letters 6, 2198-2203, 2022
Extremum Seeking Control for optimization of a feed-forward Pelton turbine speed controller in a fixed-displacement hydraulic wind turbine concept
SP Mulders, NFB Diepeveen, JW Van Wingerden
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1222 (1), 012015, 2019
Analysis and multi-objective optimisation of wind turbine torque control strategies
L Brandetti, SP Mulders, Y Liu, S Watson, JW van Wingerden
Wind Energy Science 8 (10), 1553-1573, 2023
On the importance of the azimuth offset in a combined 1P and 2P SISO IPC implementation for wind turbine fatigue load reductions
SP Mulders, JW van Wingerden
2019 American Control Conference (ACC), 3506-3511, 2019
Analysis of Adaptive Individual Pitch Control Schemes for Blade Fatigue Load Reduction on a 15 MW Wind Turbine
M Lara, SP Mulders, JW van Wingerden, F Vázquez, J Garrido
Applied Sciences 14 (1), 183, 2023
Data-Driven LIDAR Feedforward Predictive Wind Turbine Control
R Dinkla, T Oomen, JW van Wingerden, SP Mulders
2023 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), 559-565, 2023
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