Joseph C. Drake
Cited by
Cited by
Fishing for mammals: Landscape‐level monitoring of terrestrial and semi‐aquatic communities using eDNA from riverine systems
NG Sales, MB McKenzie, J Drake, LR Harper, SS Browett, I Coscia, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 57 (4), 707-716, 2020
Comparison of climate vulnerability among desert herpetofauna
KL Griffis-Kyle, K Mougey, M Vanlandeghem, S Swain, JC Drake
Biological Conservation 225, 164-175, 2018
Graph theory as an invasive species management tool: case study in the Sonoran Desert
JC Drake, KL Griffis-Kyle, NE McIntyre
Landscape Ecology 32, 1739-1752, 2017
Using nested connectivity models to resolve management conflicts of isolated water networks in the Sonoran Desert
JC Drake, K Griffis‐Kyle, NE McIntyre
Ecosphere 8 (1), e01652, 2017
The value of considering demographic contributions to connectivity: a review
J Drake, X Lambin, C Sutherland
Ecography 2022 (6), e05552, 2022
A connectivity and wildlife management conflict in isolated desert waters
NE McIntyre, JC Drake, KL Griffis‐Kyle
The Journal of Wildlife Management 80 (4), 655-666, 2016
Testing a model for the prediction of isolated waters in the Sonoran Desert
JC Drake, JS Jenness, J Calvert, KL Griffis-Kyle
Journal of Arid Environments 118, 1-8, 2015
Simulating the response of a threatened amphibian to climate-induced reductions in breeding habitat
MC Mims, JC Drake, JJ Lawler, JD Olden
Landscape Ecology 38 (4), 1051-1068, 2023
Ten simple rules for productive lab meetings
N Golden, K Devarajan, C Balantic, J Drake, MT Hallworth, TL Morelli
PLOS Computational Biology 17 (5), e1008953, 2021
Spatiotemporal connectivity dynamics in spatially structured populations
J Drake, X Lambin, C Sutherland
Journal of Animal Ecology 91 (10), 2050-2060, 2022
Fishing for mammals: landscape-level monitoring of terrestrial and semi-aquatic communities using eDNA from lotic ecosystems. bioRxiv, 629758
NG Sales, MB McKenzie, J Drake, LR Harper, SS Browett, I Coscia, ...
Allometric scaling of anaerobic capacity estimated from a unique field-based data set of fish swimming
GA Casselberry, JC Drake, N Perlot, SJ Cooke, AJ Danylchuk, RJ Lennox
Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 96 (1), 17-29, 2023
Holistic valuation of non-native species requires broadening the tent
EMX Reed, T Schenk, BL Brown, H Rogers, DC Haak, JC Drake, ...
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 38 (6), 497-498, 2023
Qualitative species vulnerability: model sensitivity to climate and spatial parameters
KL Griffis-Kyle, K Mougey, S Swain, J Drake, M Vanlandeghem
Climate Services 22, 100217, 2021
On spatiotemporal connectivity dynamics: Perspectives from a naturally fragmented metapopulation
J Drake
The role of isolation in Sonoran Desert water site connectivity-based conservation strategies
J Drake
Combining graph theory and spatially-explicit, individual-based models to improve invasive species control strategies at a regional scale
J Drake, G O’Malley, J Kraft, MC Mims
Landscape Ecology 39 (11), 185, 2024
A silent spring, or a new cacophony? Invasive plants as maestros of modern soundscapes
JN Barney, G O'Malley, GN Ripa, J Drake, D Franusich, MC Mims
Wiley, 2024
A Patch is Not a Population: Spatio-temporal Perspectives on Connectivity Dependent Processes
J Drake, X Lambin, C Sutherland
American Fisheries Society & The Wildlife Society 2019 Joint Annual Conference, 2019
Fishing for mammals: landscape-level monitoring of terrestrial and semi-aquatic communities using eDNA from lotic ecosystems
MB McKenzie, J Drake, LR Harper, SS Browett, I Coscia, ...
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Articles 1–20