Carsten Svarrer Østerlund
Carsten Svarrer Østerlund
Professor, School of Information Studies, Syracuse University
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Relations in practice: Sorting through practice theories on knowledge sharing in complex organizations
Carsten Østerlund Assistant Professor, P Carlile
The Information Society 21 (2), 91-107, 2005
Gravity Spy: integrating advanced LIGO detector characterization, machine learning, and citizen science
M Zevin, S Coughlin, S Bahaadini, E Besler, N Rohani, S Allen, M Cabero, ...
Classical and quantum gravity 34 (6), 064003, 2017
Sociomaterial-Design: Bounding technologies in practice
P Bjørn, C Østerlund
Springer Publishing Company, Incorporated, 2014
Documents in place: demarcating places for collaboration in healthcare settings
CS Østerlund
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 17, 195-225, 2008
Planet Hunters and Seafloor Explorers: Legitimate Peripheral Participation Through Practice Proxies in Online Citizen Science
G Mugar, C Østerlund, KDV Hassman, K Crowston, CB Jackson
Same systems, different outcomes
J Aarts, M Berg
Methods of information in medicine 45 (01), 53-61, 2006
Motivations for sustained participation in crowdsourcing: Case studies of citizen science on the role of talk
CB Jackson, C Østerlund, G Mugar, KDV Hassman, K Crowston
2015 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1624-1634, 2015
Learning across contexts: a field study of salespeople's learning at work
CS Østerlund
Carsten Østerlund 21 (1), 1996
Building an apparatus: Refractive, reflective, and diffractive readings of trace data
C Østerlund, K Crowston, C Jackson
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 21 (1), 10, 2020
How practice matters: A relational view of knowledge sharing
C Østerlund, P Carlile
Communities and technologies, 1-22, 2003
How practice matters: A relational view of knowledge sharing
C Østerlund, P Carlile
Communities and technologies, 1-22, 2003
Discovering features in gravitational-wave data through detector characterization, citizen science and machine learning
S Soni, CPL Berry, SB Coughlin, M Harandi, CB Jackson, K Crowston, ...
Classical and Quantum Gravity 38 (19), 195016, 2021
Rethinking documents
K Shankar, D Hakken, C Østerlund
The handbook of science and technology studies 4, 59-86, 2017
The materiality of communicative practices
C Østerlund
Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems 20 (1), 4, 2008
Genre combinations: A window into dynamic communication practices
C Østerlund
Journal of Management Information Systems 23 (4), 81-108, 2007
CareWeb™, a web-based medical record for an integrated health care delivery system
JD Halamka, C Osterland, C Safran
International journal of medical informatics 54 (1), 1-8, 1999
Drift and shift in the organizing vision career for personal health records: An investigation of innovation discourse dynamics
EJ Davidson, CS Østerlund, MG Flaherty
Information and Organization 25 (4), 191-221, 2015
Classifying the unknown: discovering novel gravitational-wave detector glitches using similarity learning
S Coughlin, S Bahaadini, N Rohani, M Zevin, O Patane, M Harandi, ...
Physical Review D 99 (8), 082002, 2019
Appealing to different motivations in a message to recruit citizen scientists: results of a field experiment
TK Lee, K Crowston, M Harandi, C Østerlund, G Miller
Journal of Science Communication 17 (1), A02, 2018
Coordinating advanced crowd work: Extending citizen science
K Crowston, E Mitchell, C Østerlund
Citizen Science: Theory and Practice 4 (1), 2019
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