Oussama Hijazi
Oussama Hijazi
Professeur, Université de Lorraine, Institut Elie Cartan de Lorraine
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A conformal lower bound for the smallest eigenvalue of the Dirac operator and Killing spinors
O Hijazi
Communications in Mathematical Physics 104, 151-162, 1986
A spinorial approach to Riemannian and conformal geometry
JP Bourguignon, O Hijazi, JL Milhorat, A Moroianu, S Moroianu
Dirac operator on embedded hypersurfaces
O Hijazi, S Montiel, X Zhang
arXiv preprint math/0012262, 2000
Spectral properties of the Dirac operator and geometrical structures
O Hijazi
Geometric methods for quantum field theory, 116-169, 2001
Eigenvalue boundary problems for the Dirac operator
O Hijazi, S Montiel, A Roldán
Communications in mathematical physics 231 (3), 375-390, 2002
Première valeur propre de l'opérateur de Dirac et nombre de Yamabe
O Hijazi
Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série 1, Mathématique 313 (12 …, 1991
Lower bounds for the eigenvalues of the Dirac operator
O Hijazi
Journal of Geometry and Physics 16 (1), 27-38, 1995
Eigenvalues of the Dirac Operator on Manifolds¶ with Boundary
O Hijazi, S Montiel, X Zhang
Communications in Mathematical Physics 221, 255-265, 2001
Lower bounds for the eigenvalues of the Dirac operator: part I. The hypersurface Dirac operator
O Hijazi, X Zhang
Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry 19, 355-376, 2001
Conformal lower bounds for the Dirac operator of embedded hypersurfaces
O Hijazi, S Montiel, X Zhang
Asian Journal of Mathematics 6 (1), 23-36, 2002
Eingenvalues of the Dirac operator on compact Kähler manifolds
O Hijazi
Communications in mathematical physics 160, 563-579, 1994
Caractérisation de la sphere par le premières valeurs propres de l'opérateur de Dirac en dimensions 3, 4, 7 et 8
O Hijazi
Lower bounds for the eigenvalues of the Dirac operator: part II. The submanifold Dirac operator
O Hijazi, X Zhang
Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry 20, 163-181, 2001
Uniqueness of the de Sitter spacetime among static vacua with positive cosmological constant
O Hijazi, S Montiel, S Raulot
Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry 47, 167-178, 2015
Spin c geometry of Kähler manifolds and the Hodge Laplacian on minimal Lagrangian submanifolds
O Hijazi, S Montiel, F Urbano
Mathematische Zeitschrift 253, 821-853, 2006
Dirac operators on hypersurfaces of manifolds with negative scalar curvature
O Hijazi, S Montiel, A Roldán
Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry 23, 247-264, 2003
Bochner–Weitzenböck formulas associated with the Rarita–Schwinger operator
T Branson, O Hijazi
International Journal of Mathematics 13 (02), 137-182, 2002
Opérateurs de Dirac sur les variétés riemanniennes: Minoration des valeurs propres
O Hijazi
Éditeur inconnu, 1984
The Dirac-Witten operator on spacelike hypersurfaces
O Hijazi, X Zhang
Communications in Analysis and Geometry 11 (4), 737-750, 2003
A holographic principle for the existence of parallel spinor fields and an inequality of Shi-Tam type
O Hijazi, S Montiel
Asian Journal of Mathematics 18 (3), 489-506, 2014
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