Antonio Pedro Ramos
Antonio Pedro Ramos
Research Scientist - CCPR UCLA
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Judicial preferences and judicial independence in new democracies: the case of the Brazilian Supreme Court
EL Leoni, AP Ramos
Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, 2006
Where has democracy helped the poor? Democratic transitions and early-life mortality at the country level
AP Ramos, MJ Flores, ML Ross
Social Science & Medicine 265, 113442, 2020
Leave no child behind: Using data from 1.7 million children from 67 developing countries to measure inequality within and between groups of births and to identify left behind …
AP Ramos, MJ Flores, RE Weiss
PloS one 15 (10), e0238847, 2020
Improving program targeting to combat early-life mortality by identifying high-risk births: an application to India
AP Ramos, RE Weiss, JS Heymann
Population health metrics 16, 1-7, 2018
Has Democracy reduced Inequalities in Child Mortality? An analysis of 5 million births from 50 developing countries since 1970
AP Ramos
University of California, Los Angeles, 2013
Matrix topology guides collective cell migration in vivo
KG Soans, AP Ramos, J Sidhaye, A Krishna, A Solomatina, KB Hoffmann, ...
BioRxiv, 2022.01. 31.478442, 2022
Better individual-level risk models can improve the targeting and life-saving potential of early-mortality interventions
C Hazlett, AP Ramos, S Smith
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 21706, 2023
Effects of Randomized Corruption Audits on Early-Life Mortality in Brazil.
AP Ramos, S Nichter, L Gao, R Weiss
UCLA CCPR Population Working Papers, 2020
Measuring Within and Between Group Inequality in Early-Life Mortality Over Time: A Bayesian Approach with Application to India
AP Ramos, RE Weiss
arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.08570, 2018
Effects of Anti-Corruption Audits on Early-Life Mortality: Evidence from Brazil
AP Ramos, S Nichter, L Gao, GJ Bobonis
University of Toronto, Department of Economics, 2022
Beyond Poverty as a Proxy Reducing Inequality in Infant Mortality by Identifying and Targeting Higher Risk Births
C Hazlett, AP Ramos, S Smith
medRxiv, 2021.07. 20.21260818, 2021
Brazilian Midwest native vegetation mapping Based on Google Earth Engine
NV Estrabis, L Osco, AP Ramos, WN Gonçalves, V Liesenberg, H Pistori, ...
2020 IEEE Latin American GRSS & ISPRS Remote Sensing Conference (LAGIRS …, 2020
The Politics and the Measurement of Health Inequality in the Developing World
AP Ramos
University of California, Los Angeles, 2014
Judicial Preferences and Judicial Independence in New Democracies: The Case of the Brazilian Supreme Court (Early Draft)
EL Leoni, AP Ramos
Reducing Inequalities Using an Unbiased Machine Learning Approach to Identify Births with the Highest Risk of Preventable Neonatal Deaths.
AP Ramos, F Caldieraro, ML Nascimento, R Saldanha
medRxiv, 2024.01. 12.24301163, 2024
Measuring Within and Between Group Inequality in Infant Mortality Over Time: A Bayesian Approach With Application to India
AP Ramos
PAA 2022 Annual Meeting, 2022
Explaining the Decline of Child Mortality in 44 Developing Countries: A Bayesian Extension of Oaxaca Decomposition Methods
AP Ramos, MJ Flores, L Gao, P Heuveline, RE Weiss
arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.05417, 2020
Quantifying Inequality in Early-Life Mortality Within and Between Groups Globally: An Analysis of 5.5 Million Births From 50 Developing Countries
AP Ramos, R Weiss, M Flores
PAA 2018 Annual Meeting, 2018
Measuring Inequality in Early Mortality Across All Births? A Bayesian Approach with application to the India
AP Ramos, RE Weiss
2016 Annual Meeting, 2016
Water resources mapping of basins in the Pontal do Paranapanema-SP.
NX Ribeiro, LP Osco, AP Ramos, AC Leal
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