Reza Barati
Reza Barati
Ph.D. -Civil Engineering-Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering - Khorasan Razavi Water Authority
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Parameter estimation of nonlinear Muskingum models using Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm
R Barati
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 16 (11), 946-954, 2011
Application of Excel solver for parameter estimation of the nonlinear Muskingum models
R Barati
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 17(5), 1139–1148, 2013
Development of empirical models with high accuracy for estimation of drag coefficient of flow around a smooth sphere: An evolutionary approach
R Barati, SAAS Neyshabouri, G Ahmadi
Powder Technology 257, 11-19, 2014
Discharge coefficient and energy dissipation over stepped spillway under skimming flow regime
H Shahheydari, EJ Nodoshan, R Barati, MA Moghadam
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 19 (4), 1174-1182, 2015
Optimal Design of Labyrinth Spillways Using Meta-Heuristic Algorithms
K Hosseini, EJ Nodoshan, R Barati, H Shahheydari
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 20 (1), 468-477, 2016
Prediction of longitudinal dispersion coefficient in natural rivers using a Cluster based Bayesian network
MJ Alizadeh, H Shahheydari, MR Kavianpour, H Shamloo, R Barati
Environmental Earth Sciences, 2017
Analysis of dynamic wave model for flood routing in natural rivers
R Barati, S Rahimi, GH Akbari
Water Science and Engineering 5 (3), 243-258, 2012
Iran’s Groundwater Hydrochemistry
M Maghrebi, R Noori, S Partani, A Araghi, R Barati, H Farnoush, ...
Earth and Space Science, 2021
Comprehensive analysis of flooding in unmanaged catchments
GH Akbari, R Barati
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Water Management 165 (4 …, 2012
Water Management Using System Dynamics Modeling in Semi-arid Regions
HR Nassery, R Adinehvand, A Salavitabar, R Barati
Civil Engineering Journal 3 (9), 766-778, 2017
Performance Comparison of Four Turbulence Models for Modeling of Secondary-Flow Cells in simple Trapezoidal Channels
M Tajnesaie, E Jafari Nodoushan, R Barati, M Azhdary
ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 26 (2), 2020
Issues in Eulerian–Lagrangian modeling of sediment transport under saltation regime
R Barati, SAAS Neyshabouri, G Ahmadi
International Journal of Sediment Research, 2018
Discussion of “Parameter Estimation of the Nonlinear Muskingum Flood-Routing Model Using a Hybrid Harmony Search Algorithm by Halil Karahan, Gurhan Gurarslan, and Zong Woo Geem
R Barati
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 19 (4), 842–845, 2014
Developing a model for analysis of uncertainties in prediction of floods
GH Akbari, AH Nezhad, R Barati
Journal of Advanced Research 3 (1), 73-79, 2012
Flood Routing of an Unmanaged River Basin Using Muskingum–Cunge Model; Field Application and Numerical Experiments
R Barati, GH Akbari, S Rahimi
Caspian Journal of Applied Sciences Research 2 (6), 08-20, 2013
Short-term probabilistic prediction of significant wave height using Bayesian model averaging: case study of Chabahar Port, Iran
RM Adnan, T Sadeghifar, M Alizamir, MT Azad, O Makarynskyy, O Kisi, ...
Ocean Engineering, 2023
Comment on “Evaluation of a physically based quasi-linear and a conceptually based nonlinear Muskingum methods” [J. Hydrol., 546, 437–449, 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.01.025]
R Barati
Journal of Hydrology 550 (July 2017), 218–219, 2017
Sphere drag revisited using shuffled complex evolution algorithm
R Barati, SS Neyshabouri, G Ahmadi
River flow 978, 345-353, 2014
Reverse Flood Routing in Rivers using Linear and Nonlinear Muskingum Models
M Badfar, R Barati, E Dogan, G Tayfur
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 2021
Photocatalytic removal of cadmium (II) and lead (II) from simulated wastewater at continuous and batch system
S Rahimi, M Ahmadian, R Barati, N Yousefi, SP Moussavi, K Rahimi, ...
International Journal of Environmental Health Engineering 3 (1), 2014
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