Ning LIU 刘凝
Ning LIU 刘凝
Assistant professor
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Energy-based modeling of ionic polymer–metal composite actuators dedicated to the control of flexible structures
N Liu, Y Wu, Y Le Gorrec
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 26 (6), 3139-3150, 2021
Control-oriented modeling and analysis of tubular dielectric elastomer actuators dedicated to cardiac assist devices
N Liu, T Martinez, A Walter, Y Civet, Y Perriard
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 7 (2), 4361-4367, 2022
Structure-preserving discretization and control of a two-dimensional vibro-acoustic tube
N Liu, Y Wu, Y Le Gorrec, H Ramirez, L Lefèvre
IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information 38 (2), 417-439, 2021
Energy shaping control of 1D distributed parameter systems
Y Le Gorrec, H Ramirez, Y Wu, N Liu, A Macchelli
Advances in Distributed Parameter Systems, 3-26, 2022
Reduced order in domain control of distributed parameter port-Hamiltonian systems via energy shaping
N Liu, Y Wu, Y Le Gorrec, L Lefèvre, H Ramirez
Automatica 161, 111500, 2024
Energy-based modeling and Hamiltonian LQG control of a flexible beam actuated by IPMC actuators
W Zhou, N Liu, Y Wu, H Ramirez, Y Le Gorrec
IEEE Access 10, 12153-12163, 2022
In-domain finite dimensional control of distributed parameter port-Hamiltonian systems via energy shaping
N Liu, Y Wu, Y Le Gorrec, L Lefevre, H Ramirez
2021 Proceedings of the Conference on Control and its Applications, 70-77, 2021
Modélisation Hamiltonienne à ports et commande distribuée de structures flexibles: application aux endoscopes biomédicaux à actionneurs à base de polymère électro-actif
N Liu
Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2020
Energy-based modeling and robust position control of a dielectric elastomer cardiac assist device
A Hammoud, N Liu, Y Le Gorrec, Y Civet, Y Perriard
8th IFAC Workshop on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Non Linear Control, 2024
Constrained port Hamiltonian formulation of multiscale distributed parameter IPMC systems
N Liu, Y Wu, Y Le Gorrec
IFAC-PapersOnLine 52 (15), 495-500, 2019
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