Alexei Kalaboukhov
Alexei Kalaboukhov
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Effect of oxygen vacancies in the substrate on the electrical properties of the interface
A Kalabukhov, R Gunnarsson, J Börjesson, E Olsson, T Claeson, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (12), 121404, 2007
Towards a quantum resistance standard based on epitaxial graphene
A Tzalenchuk, S Lara-Avila, A Kalaboukhov, S Paolillo, M Syväjärvi, ...
Nature nanotechnology 5 (3), 186-189, 2010
Towards oxide electronics: a roadmap
M Coll, J Fontcuberta, M Althammer, M Bibes, H Boschker, A Calleja, ...
Applied surface science 482, 1-93, 2019
Cationic Disorder and Phase Segregation in Heterointerfaces Evidenced <?format ?>by Medium-Energy Ion Spectroscopy
AS Kalabukhov, YA Boikov, IT Serenkov, VI Sakharov, VN Popok, ...
Physical Review Letters 103 (14), 146101, 2009
Cleaning graphene using atomic force microscope
N Lindvall, A Kalabukhov, A Yurgens
Journal of Applied Physics 111 (6), 2012
High-Tc superconducting quantum interference device recordings of spontaneous brain activity: Towards high-Tc magnetoencephalography
F Öisjöen, JF Schneiderman, GA Figueras, ML Chukharkin, A Kalabukhov, ...
Applied Physics Letters 100 (13), 2012
Nano-patterning of the electron gas at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface using low-energy ion beam irradiation
P Paolo Aurino, A Kalabukhov, N Tuzla, E Olsson, T Claeson, D Winkler
Applied Physics Letters 102 (20), 2013
Induced unconventional superconductivity on the surface states of Bi2Te3 topological insulator
S Charpentier, L Galletti, G Kunakova, R Arpaia, Y Song, R Baghdadi, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 2019, 2017
A Room‐Temperature Spin‐Valve with van der Waals Ferromagnet Fe5GeTe2/Graphene Heterostructure
B Zhao, R Ngaloy, S Ghosh, S Ershadrad, R Gupta, K Ali, AM Hoque, ...
Advanced Materials 35 (16), 2209113, 2023
A room temperature bolometer for terahertz coherent and incoherent detection
S Cherednichenko, A Hammar, S Bevilacqua, V Drakinskiy, J Stake, ...
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology 1 (2), 395-402, 2011
A new approach for bioassays based on frequency-and time-domain measurements of magnetic nanoparticles
F Öisjöen, JF Schneiderman, AP Astalan, A Kalabukhov, C Johansson, ...
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 25 (5), 1008-1013, 2010
Improved cationic stoichiometry and insulating behavior at the interface of LaAlO3/SrTiO3 formed at high oxygen pressure during pulsed-laser deposition
A Kalabukhov, YA Boikov, IT Serenkov, VI Sakharov, J Börjesson, ...
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 93 (3), 37001, 2011
The emergence of magnetic ordering at complex oxide interfaces tuned by defects
DS Park, AD Rata, IV Maznichenko, S Ostanin, YL Gan, S Agrestini, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 3650, 2020
Evidence for spin-triplet superconducting correlations in metal-oxide heterostructures with noncollinear magnetization
YN Khaydukov, GA Ovsyannikov, AE Sheyerman, KY Constantinian, ...
Physical Review B 90 (3), 035130, 2014
THz Josephson properties of grain boundary YBaCuO junctions on symmetric, tilted bicrystal sapphire substrates
E Stepantsov, M Tarasov, A Kalabukhov, L Kuzmin, T Claeson
Journal of applied physics 96 (6), 3357-3361, 2004
A 7-Channel High- SQUID-Based On-Scalp MEG System
C Pfeiffer, S Ruffieux, L Jönsson, ML Chukharkin, A Kalaboukhov, M Xie, ...
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 67 (5), 1483-1489, 2019
Evaluation of recipes for obtaining single terminated perovskite oxide substrates
R Gunnarsson, AS Kalabukhov, D Winkler
Surface Science 603 (1), 151-157, 2009
Magnetism and ion diffusion in honeycomb layered oxide 
N Matsubara, E Nocerino, OK Forslund, A Zubayer, K Papadopoulos, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 18305, 2020
Grooved Dayem Nanobridges as Building Blocks of High-Performance YBa2Cu3O7−δ SQUID Magnetometers
E Trabaldo, C Pfeiffer, E Andersson, R Arpaia, A Kalaboukhov, D Winkler, ...
Nano letters 19 (3), 1902-1907, 2019
Magnetic flux guide for high-resolution SQUID microscope
SA Gudoshnikov, YV Derquzhkina, PE Rudenchik, YS Sitnov, ...
IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity 11 (1), 219-222, 2001
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