Peter Chigada
Peter Chigada
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NOx and PM reduction from diesel exhaust using vanadia SCRF®
YM López-De Jesús, PI Chigada, TC Watling, K Arulraj, A Thorén, ...
SAE International Journal of Engines 9 (2), 1247-1257, 2016
Improving the interpretation of mercury porosimetry data using computerised X-ray tomography and mean-field DFT
SP Rigby, PI Chigada, J Wang, SK Wilkinson, H Bateman, B Al-Duri, ...
Chemical Engineering Science 66 (11), 2328-2339, 2011
Coke Formation and characterization during 1-hexene isomerization and oligomerization over H-ZSM-5 catalyst under supercritical conditions
J Wang, F Hassan, PI Chigada, SP Rigby, B Al-Duri, J Wood
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 48 (17), 7899-7909, 2009
Fundamental studies of gas sorption within mesopores situated amidst an inter-connected, irregular network
SP Rigby, PI Chigada, EL Perkins, MJ Watt-Smith, JP Lowe, KJ Edler
Adsorption 14, 289-307, 2008
MF-DFT and experimental investigations of the origins of hysteresis in mercury porosimetry of silica materials
SP Rigby, PI Chigada
Langmuir 26 (1), 241-248, 2010
Studies of the entrapment of non-wetting fluid within nanoporous media using a synergistic combination of MRI and micro-computed X-ray tomography
SP Rigby, MJ Watt-Smith, P Chigada, JA Chudek, RS Fletcher, J Wood, ...
Chemical engineering science 61 (23), 7579-7592, 2006
Interpretation of integrated gas sorption and mercury porosimetry studies of adsorption in disordered networks using mean-field DFT
SP Rigby, PI Chigada
Adsorption 15, 31-41, 2009
Deactivation during 1-hexene isomerization over zeolite Y and ZSM5 catalysts under supercritical conditions
F Hassan, J Wang, PI Chigada, B Al-Duri, SP Rigby, J Wood
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 50 (12), 7161-7171, 2011
Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Lithium-Ion Capacitors Production from Primary Ore and Recycled Minerals: Using LCA to balance environmental, economic and social …
PI Chigada, O Wale, C Hancox, K Vandaele, B Breeze, A Mottram, ...
Johnson Matthey Technology Review 65 (3), 469-479, 2021
Experimental and modelling studies of the kinetics of mercury retraction from highly confined geometries during porosimetry in the transport and the quasi-equilibrium regimes
SP Rigby, PI Chigada, IO Evbuomvan, JA Chudek, T Miri, J Wood, ...
Chemical Engineering Science 63 (24), 5771-5788, 2008
Characterisation of flow and heat transfer patterns in low aspect ratio packed beds by a 3D network-of-voids model
PI Chigada
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 89 (2), 230-238, 2011
Prolonging catalyst lifetime in supercritical isomerization of 1-hexene over a platinum/alumina catalyst
J Wang, PI Chigada, SP Rigby, B Al-Duri, J Wood
Chemical engineering science 64 (15), 3427-3436, 2009
Impact of SCR activity on soot regeneration and the converse effects of soot regeneration on SCR activity on a vanadia-SCRF®
PI Chigada, M Ahmadinejad, AD Newman, AIP Ng, R Torbati, TC Watling
SAE Technical Paper, 2018
Experimental and Modelling Study of Cold Start Effects on a Cu-Zeolite NH 3 Selective Catalytic Reduction Catalyst
PI Chigada, TC Watling, JP Cleeton, M Gall, JA Wylie
SAE Technical Paper, 2015
Modelling of pore structure evolution during catalyst deactivation and comparison with experiment
PI Chigada, J Wang, B Al-Duri, J Wood, SP Rigby
Chemical engineering science 65 (20), 5550-5558, 2010
A network-of-voids model to assess wall flow patterns and heat transfer for low aspect ratio packed-bed reactors
PI Chigada, R Mann
International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering 6 (1), 2008
Flow structure and heat transfer in low aspect-ratio fixed beds
PI Chigada
PQDT-Global, 2006
Application of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in supporting decarbonisation endeavours of the mining and metals industries
J Gediga, P Chigada, B Fundikwa, A Stoffregen
Copper International Conference 11, 221-228, 2022
New emissions standards for 2014.
P Chigada, T Watling
Chemistry & Industry 77 (11), 2013
ZSM-5 and zeolite-Y catalyst deactivation during 1-hexene isomerization in supercritical fluids
F Hassan, J Wang, J Wood, B Al-Duri, SP Rigby, P Chigada
8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, 2009
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