Kyusik Kim
Kyusik Kim
Postdoctoral researcher, Department of Geography, Florida State University
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Spatial accessibility assessment of COVID-19 patients to healthcare facilities: A case study of Florida
M Ghorbanzadeh, K Kim, EE Ozguven, MW Horner
Travel Behaviour and Society 24, 95-101, 2021
A comparative analysis of transportation-based accessibility to mental health services
M Ghorbanzadeh, K Kim, EE Ozguven, MW Horner
Transportation research part D: transport and environment 81, 102278, 2020
Identifying areas of potential critical healthcare shortages: A case study of spatial accessibility to ICU beds during the COVID-19 pandemic in Florida
K Kim, M Ghorbanzadeh, MW Horner, EE Ozguven
Transport Policy 110, 478-486, 2021
A comparative assessment of cooling center preparedness across twenty-five US cities
K Kim, J Jung, C Schollaert, JT Spector
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (9), 4801, 2021
Examining the effects of the built environment on travel mode choice across different age groups in Seoul using a random forest method
K Kim, K Kwon, MW Horner
Transportation research record 2675 (8), 670-683, 2021
Examining the impacts of the great recession on the commuting dynamics and jobs-housing balance of public and private sector workers
K Kim, MW Horner
Journal of Transport Geography 90, 102933, 2021
Time-varying spatial accessibility of primary healthcare services based on spatiotemporal variations in demand, supply, and traffic conditions: A case study of Seoul, South Korea
K Kim, K Kwon
Journal of Transport & Health 27, 101531, 2022
공공보육서비스 이용 기회의 공간적 형평성 평가: 2009 년과 2014 년의 서울시 국공립어린이집을 대상으로: 2009 년과 2014 년의 서울시 국공립어린이집을 대상으로
서울도시연구 17 (1), 45-64, 2016
Assessment of disparities in spatial accessibility to vaccination sites in Florida
K Kim, M Ghorbanzadeh, MW Horner, EE Ozguven
Annals of GIS 28 (3), 263-277, 2022
어린이공원 수급적정성 평가에 관한 연구
박소현, 김규식, 고병옥
서울도시연구 15 (3), 79-93, 2014
급성심장정지 발생률을 고려한 응급의료서비스의 공간적 접근성 측정-청주시를 사례로
김규식, 장요한, 권규상
대한지리학회지 58 (5), 471-487, 2023
Transportation system performance capabilities for vulnerable populations
M AbdelMagid, Y Abdelrazig, D Smith, M Horner, J Choi, K Kim, ...
International journal of disaster risk reduction 96, 103991, 2023
도시 건조 환경이 노인 통행에 미치는 영향: 수도권을 사례로
김규식, 권규상
한국도시지리학회지 23 (2), 109-124, 2020
Large-scale modeling of hurricane flooding and disrupted infrastructure impacts on accessibility to critical facilities
MS Alam, K Kim, MW Horner, O Alisan, R Antwi, EE Ozguven
Journal of Transport Geography 116, 103852, 2024
Evaluating the impacts of supply-demand dynamics and distance decay effects on public transit project assessment: A study of healthcare accessibility and inequalities
R Javanmard, J Lee, K Kim, J Park, E Diab
Journal of Transport Geography 116, 103833, 2024
COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout Plans Should Consider Spatial Distribution of Age-Specific Population
JY Kang, J Jung, K Kim
The Professional Geographer 75 (6), 1034-1044, 2023
공공보육서비스 이용 기회의 공간적 형평성 평가에 관한 연구: 서울시 국공립어린이집을 대상으로
서울대학교 대학원, 2015
클러스터의 진화와 토지소유의 모순: 대구 남산동 인쇄골목을 사례로: 대구 남산동 인쇄골목을 사례로
이후빈, 김규식, 권규상
대한지리학회지 53 (3), 347-369, 2018
Understanding Changes in Spatial Accessibility to Restaurants During the COVID‐19 Pandemic: Disentangling Closures, Inequity, Neighborhood, and Transportation Mode
K Kim, MW Horner, MS Alam, O Alisan, M Ghorbanzadeh, EE Ozguven
Geographical Analysis 56 (2), 244-264, 2024
Satellite Imagery-based Hurricane Debris Assessment: Model Development and Application in Rural Florida
RB Antwi, S Takyi, EE Ozguven, K Volcy, MS Alam, K Kim, MW Horner, ...
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