Torben Krogh Mikkelsen
Torben Krogh Mikkelsen
Professor in Remote Sensing for Wind Energy, DTU Technical University of Denmark
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Wind lidar evaluation at the Danish wind test site in Høvsøre
DA Smith, M Harris, AS Coffey, T Mikkelsen, HE Jørgensen, J Mann, ...
Wind Energy: An International Journal for Progress and Applications in Wind …, 2006
Relative risks of the uncontrollable (airborne) spread of FMD by different species
AI Donaldson, S Alexandersen, JH Sørensen, T Mikkelsen
The Vet. Record 148, 602-604, 2001
Offshore wind profiling using light detection and ranging measurements
A Peña, CB Hasager, SE Gryning, M Courtney, I Antoniou, T Mikkelsen
Wind Energy: An International Journal for Progress and Applications in Wind …, 2009
Ensemble dispersion forecasting—Part I: concept, approach and indicators
S Galmarini, R Bianconi, W Klug, T Mikkelsen, R Addis, S Andronopoulos, ...
Atmospheric Environment 38 (28), 4607-4617, 2004
A spinner‐integrated wind lidar for enhanced wind turbine control
T Mikkelsen, N Angelou, K Hansen, M Sjöholm, M Harris, C Slinger, ...
Wind Energy 16 (4), 625-643, 2013
Description of the atmospheric dispersion module RIMPUFF
S Thykier-Nielsen, S Deme, T Mikkelsen
Riso National Laboratory, PO Box 49, 1999
Description of the Risø puff diffusion model
T Mikkelsen, SE Larsen, S Thykier-Nielsen
Nuclear technology 67 (1), 56-65, 1984
Investigation of airborne foot-and-mouth disease virus transmission during low-wind conditions in the early phase of the UK 2001 epidemic
T Mikkelsen, S Alexandersen, P Astrup, HJ Champion, AI Donaldson, ...
Atmospheric chemistry and physics 3 (6), 2101-2110, 2003
Airborne transmission of foot‐and‐mouth disease virus from Burnside Farm, Heddonon‐the‐Wall, Northumberland, during the 2001 epidemic in the United Kingdom
J Gloster, HJ Champion, JH Sørensen, T Mikkelsen, DB Ryall, P Astrup, ...
Veterinary Record 152 (17), 525-533, 2003
Characterization of wind velocities in the upstream induction zone of a wind turbine using scanning continuous-wave lidars
E Simley, N Angelou, T Mikkelsen, M Sjöholm, J Mann, LY Pao
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 8 (1), 2016
Comparison of 3D turbulence measurements using three staring wind lidars and a sonic anemometer
J Mann, JP Cariou, M Courtney, R Parmentier, T Mikkelsen, R Wagner, ...
Meteorologische Zeitschrift 18 (2), 135-140, 2009
Lidar wind speed measurements from a rotating spinner
T Mikkelsen, KH Hansen, N Angelou, M Sjöholm, M Harris, P Hadley, ...
2010 European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition, 2010
Ensemble dispersion forecasting—Part II: Application and evaluation
S Galmarini, R Bianconi, R Addis, S Andronopoulos, P Astrup, JC Bartzis, ...
Atmospheric Environment 38 (28), 4619-4632, 2004
Long-range WindScanner system
N Vasiljević, G Lea, M Courtney, JP Cariou, J Mann, T Mikkelsen
Remote Sensing 8 (11), 896, 2016
Testing of frozen turbulence hypothesis for wind turbine applications with a scanning lidar system
D Schlipf, D Trabucchi, O Bischoff, M Hofsäß, J Mann, T Mikkelsen, ...
15th International symposium for the advancement of boundary layer remote …, 2010
Modelling the atmospheric dispersion of foot-and-mouth disease virus for emergency preparedness
JH Sørensen, CØ Jensen, T Mikkelsen, DKJ Mackay, AI Donaldson
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part B: Hydrology, Oceans and Atmosphere …, 2001
Remote sensing for wind energy
A Peña, CB Hasager, J Lange, J Anger, M Badger, F Bingöl, O Bischoff, ...
DTU Wind Energy, 2013
Power curve and wake analyses of the Vestas multi-rotor demonstrator
MP van der Laan, SJ Andersen, N Ramos García, N Angelou, GR Pirrung, ...
Wind Energy Science 4 (2), 251-271, 2019
High resolution wind turbine wake measurements with a scanning lidar
TG Herges, DC Maniaci, BT Naughton, T Mikkelsen, M Sjöholm
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 854 (1), 012021, 2017
Wind stress measurements during the tower ocean wave and radar dependence experiment
GL Geernaert, KL Davidson, SE Larsen, T Mikkelsen
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 93 (C11), 13913-13923, 1988
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