zizhao wu
zizhao wu
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Fine-grained leukocyte classification with deep residual learning for microscopic images
F Qin, N Gao, Y Peng, Z Wu, S Shen, A Grudtsin
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 162, 243-252, 2018
Patchformer: An efficient point transformer with patch attention
C Zhang, H Wan, X Shen, Z Wu
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2022
Unsupervised co-segmentation of 3D shapes via affinity aggregation spectral clustering
Z Wu, Y Wang, R Shou, B Chen, X Liu
Computers & Graphics 37 (6), 628-637, 2013
PVT: Point‐voxel transformer for point cloud learning
C Zhang, H Wan, X Shen, Z Wu
International Journal of Intelligent Systems 37 (12), 11985-12008, 2022
Interactive shape co-segmentation via label propagation
Z Wu, R Shou, Y Wang, X Liu
Computers & Graphics 38, 248-254, 2014
Pvt: Point-voxel transformer for 3d deep learning
C Zhang, H Wan, S Liu, X Shen, Z Wu
arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.06076 2, 6, 2021
Hoi-diff: Text-driven synthesis of 3d human-object interactions using diffusion models
X Peng, Y Xie, Z Wu, V Jampani, D Sun, H Jiang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.06553, 2023
Trajectory-aware body interaction transformer for multi-person pose forecasting
X Peng, S Mao, Z Wu
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2023
Joint analysis of shapes and images via deep domain adaptation
Z Wu, Y Zhang, M Zeng, F Qin, Y Wang
Computers & Graphics 70, 140-147, 2018
Patchformer: A versatile 3d transformer based on patch attention
Z Cheng, H Wan, X Shen, Z Wu
arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.00207 6 (7), 14, 2021
Graph-PBN: Graph-based parallel branch network for efficient point cloud learning
C Zhang, H Chen, H Wan, P Yang, Z Wu
Graphical Models 119, 101120, 2022
Efficient L0 resampling of point sets
X Cheng, M Zeng, J Lin, Z Wu, X Liu
Computer Aided Geometric Design 75, 101790, 2019
Upsampling autoencoder for self-supervised point cloud learning
C Zhang, J Shi, X Deng, Z Wu
arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.10768, 2022
MVPN: multi-view prototype network for 3D shape recognition
Z Wu, P Yang, Y Wang
IEEE Access 7, 130363-130372, 2019
Active 3-D shape cosegmentation with graph convolutional networks
Z Wu, M Zeng, F Qin, Y Wang, J Kosinka
IEEE computer graphics and applications 39 (2), 77-88, 2019
Learning weakly supervised audio-visual violence detection in hyperbolic space
X Peng, H Wen, Y Luo, X Zhou, K Yu, P Yang, Z Wu
arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.18797, 2023
PointCMC: cross-modal multi-scale correspondences learning for point cloud understanding
H Zhou, X Peng, Y Luo, Z Wu
Multimedia Systems 30 (3), 138, 2024
Somoformer: Social-aware motion transformer for multi-person motion prediction
X Peng, Y Shen, H Wang, B Nie, Y Wang, Z Wu
arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.09224, 2022
Point-voxel transformer: An efficient approach to 3d deep learning
C Zhang, H Wan, S Liu, X Shen, Z Wu
CoRR, vol. abs/2108.06076, 2021
Spectral irradiance distribution in underwater light field generated by an LED light source
P Yang, Z Wu, Y Chen, Y Guo, P Zhang, H Song
Journal of Coastal Research 103 (SI), 453-457, 2020
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