Cristina Rusu
Cristina Rusu
Senior Expert, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
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New materials for micro-scale sensors and actuators: An engineering review
SA Wilson, RPJ Jourdain, Q Zhang, RA Dorey, CR Bowen, M Willander, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports 56 (1-6), 1-129, 2007
An electrochemical microactuator: principle and first results
CR Neagu, JGE Gardeniers, M Elwenspoek, JJ Kelly
Journal of Microelectromechanical systems 5 (1), 2-9, 1996
Characterization of a planar microcoil for implantable microsystems
CR Neagu, HV Jansen, A Smith, JGE Gardeniers, MC Elwenspoek
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 62 (1-3), 599-611, 1997
The electrolysis of water: an actuation principle for MEMS with a big opportunity
C Neagu, H Jansen, H Gardeniers, M Elwenspoek
Mechatronics 10 (4-5), 571-581, 2000
Motion of nanometer sized magnetic particles in a magnetic field gradient
V Schaller, U Kräling, C Rusu, K Petersson, J Wipenmyr, A Krozer, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 104 (9), 2008
Method for depositing polycrystalline sige suitable for micromachining and devices obtained thereof
K Baert, M Caymax, C Rusu, S Sedky, A Witvrouw
US Patent 7,176,111, 2007
Direct integration of micromachined pipettes in a flow channel for single DNA molecule study by optical tweezers
C Rusu, R van't Oever, MJ de Boer, HV Jansen, JW Berenschot, ...
Journal of microelectromechanical systems 10 (2), 238-246, 2001
An electrochemical active valve
CR Neagu, JGE Gardeniers, M Elwenspoek, JJ Kelly
Electrochimica Acta 42 (20-22), 3367-3373, 1997
A Medical Microactuator based on a Electrochemical Principle
C Neagu, CR Rusu
Analysis of immunolabeled cells by atomic force microscopy, optical microscopy, and flow cytometry
C Neagu, KO Van der Werf, CAJ Putman, YM Kraan, BG De Grooth, ...
Journal of structural biology 112 (1), 32-40, 1994
New low-stress PECVD poly-SiGe layers for MEMS
C Rusu, S Sedky, B Parmentier, A Verbist, O Richard, B Brijs, L Geenen, ...
Journal of microelectromechanical systems 12 (6), 816-825, 2003
MEMS Sensor for In Situ TEM Atomic Force Microscopy
A Nafari, D Karlen, C Rusu, K Svensson, H Olin, P Enoksson
Journal of microelectromechanical systems 17 (2), 328-333, 2008
Novel high growth rate processes for depositing poly-SiGe structural layers at CMOS compatible temperatures
A Mehta, M Gromova, C Rusu, R Olivier, K Baert, C Van Hoof, A Witvrouw
17th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems …, 2004
Stable thin film encapsulation of acceleration sensors using polycrystalline silicon as sacrificial and encapsulation layer
A Höchst, R Scheuerer, H Stahl, F Fischer, L Metzger, R Reichenbach, ...
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 114 (2-3), 355-361, 2004
A micromachined 94 GHz dielectric resonator antenna for focal plane array applications
J Svedin, LG Huss, D Karlen, P Enoksson, C Rusu
2007 IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, 1375-1378, 2007
Capacitive slanted-beam three-axis accelerometer: I. Modelling and design
H Rödjegård, GI Andersson, C Rusu, M Löfgren, D Billger
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 15 (11), 1989, 2005
Minkowski fractal microstrip antenna for RFID tags
M Rusu, M Hirvonen, H Rahimi, P Enoksson, C Rusu, N Pesonen, ...
2008 38th European Microwave Conference, 666-669, 2008
Aggregate farming in the cloud: the AFarCloud ECSEL project
P Castillejo, G Johansen, B Cürüklü, S Bilbao-Arechabala, R Fresco, ...
Microprocessors and microsystems 78, 103218, 2020
Towards an electrowetting-based digital microfluidic platform for magnetic immunoassays
V Schaller, A Sanz-Velasco, A Kalabukhov, JF Schneiderman, F Öisjöen, ...
Lab on a Chip 9 (23), 3433-3436, 2009
Method for the closure of openings in a film
C Rusu, A Witvrouw
US Patent 7,235,281, 2007
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