Marco A. Gomez
Marco A. Gomez
Cinvestav-IPN, México
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Lyapunov matrix based necessary and sufficient stability condition by finite number of mathematical operations for retarded type systems
MA Gomez, AV Egorov, S Mondié
Automatica 108, 108475, 2019
Necessary and sufficient stability condition by finite number of mathematical operations for time-delay systems of neutral type
MA Gomez, AV Egorov, S Mondié
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 66 (6), 2802-2808, 2020
Necessary stability conditions for neutral type systems with a single delay
MA Gomez, AV Egorov, S Mondié
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 62 (9), 4691-4697, 2016
Lyapunov stability tests for linear time-delay systems
S Mondié, A Egorov, MA Gomez
Annual Reviews in Control, 2022
Optimization of the Norm for Single-Delay Systems, With Application to Control Design and Model Approximation
MA Gomez, AV Egorov, S Mondié, W Michiels
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 64 (2), 804-811, 2018
Necessary stability conditions for neutral-type systems with multiple commensurate delays
MA Gomez, AV Egorov, S Mondié
International Journal of Control 92 (5), 1155-1166, 2019
Computation of the Lyapunov matrix for periodic time-delay systems and its application to robust stability analysis
MA Gomez, AV Egorov, S Mondié, AP Zhabko
Systems & Control Letters 132, 104501, 2019
Design of delay-based output-feedback controllers optimizing a quadratic cost function via the delay Lyapunov matrix
MA Gomez, W Michiels, S Mondié
Automatica 107, 146-153, 2019
Necessary exponential stability conditions for linear periodic time‐delay systems
MA Gomez, G Ochoa, S Mondié
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 26 (18), 3996-4007, 2016
Characterization and optimization of the smoothed spectral abscissa for time‐delay systems
MA Gomez, W Michiels
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 29 (13), 4402-4418, 2019
Stabilisation of distributed time-delay systems: a smoothed spectral abscissa optimisation approach
L Vite, MA Gomez, S Mondié, W Michiels
International Journal of Control 95 (11), 2911-2923, 2022
A new stability criterion for neutral-type systems with one delay
MA Gomez, AV Egorov, S Mondié
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (14), 177-182, 2018
Dynamic predictor-based adaptive cruise control
L Vite, L Juárez, MA Gomez, S Mondié
Journal of the Franklin Institute 359 (12), 6123-6141, 2022
Analysis and Computation of the Norm of Delay Differential Algebraic Equations
MA Gomez, W Michiels
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 65 (5), 2192-2199, 2019
A Lyapunov matrix based stability criterion for a class of time-delay systems
G Marco, EA Valerievich
Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. Прикладная математика …, 2017
On the strong H2 norm of differential algebraic systems with multiple delays: finiteness criteria, regularization and computation
MA Gomez, RM Jungers, W Michiels
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2020
On the dual linear periodic time‐delay system: Spectrum and Lyapunov matrices, with application to analysis and balancing
W Michiels, MA Gomez
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 30 (10), 3906-3922, 2020
Stability conditions for time delay systems in terms of the Lyapunov matrix
S Mondié, AV Egorov, MA Gomez
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (14), 136-141, 2018
Super Twisting based Lyapunov Redesign for Uncertain Linear Delay Systems
MA Gomez, CD Cruz-Ancona, L Fridman
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2022
Scanning the space of parameters for stability regions of neutral type delay systems: A Lyapunov matrix approach
MA Gomez, C Cuvas, S Mondié, AV Egorov
2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 3149-3154, 2016
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