Gerald Page
Gerald Page
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No evidence of canopy-scale leaf thermoregulation to cool leaves below air temperature across a range of forest ecosystems
CJ Still, G Page, B Rastogi, DM Griffith, DM Aubrecht, Y Kim, SP Burns, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (38), e2205682119, 2022
Imaging canopy temperature: shedding (thermal) light on ecosystem processes
CJ Still, B Rastogi, GFM Page, DM Griffith, A Sibley, M Schulze, ...
New Phytologist 230 (5), 1746-1753, 2021
Tree rings show recent high summer-autumn precipitation in northwest Australia is unprecedented within the last two centuries
AJ O'Donnell, ER Cook, JG Palmer, CSM Turney, GFM Page, PF Grierson
PloS one 10 (6), e0128533, 2015
Trends and controls on water-use efficiency of an old-growth coniferous forest in the Pacific Northwest
Y Jiang, CJ Still, B Rastogi, GFM Page, S Wharton, FC Meinzer, S Voelker, ...
Environmental Research Letters 14 (7), 074029, 2019
Causes of Widespread Foliar Damage from the June 2021 Pacific Northwest Heat Dome: More Heat than Drought
CJ Still, A Sibley, D Depinte, PE Busby, CA Harrington, M Schulze, ...
Tree Physiology, 2023
Adaptive evolution in a conifer hybrid zone is driven by a mosaic of recently introgressed and background genetic variants
M Menon, JC Bagley, GFM Page, AV Whipple, AW Schoettle, CJ Still, ...
Communications Biology 4 (1), 1-14, 2021
Spatiotemporal dynamics of leaf transpiration quantified with time-series thermal imaging
GFM Page, JF Liénard, MJ Pruett, KB Moffett
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 256, 304-314, 2018
Unique stable isotope signatures of large cyclonic events as a tracer of soil moisture dynamics in the semiarid subtropics
G Skrzypek, S Dogramaci, GFM Page, A Rouillard, PF Grierson
Journal of Hydrology 578, 124124, 2019
Using multi-platform LiDAR to guide the conservation of the world's largest temperate woodland
T Jucker, CR Gosper, G Wiehl, PB Yeoh, N Raisbeck-Brown, FJ Fischer, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 296, 113745, 2023
Using Hyperspectral Imagery to Detect an Invasive Fungal Pathogen and Symptom Severity in Pinus strobiformis Seedlings of Different Genotypes
M Haagsma, GFM Page, JS Johnson, C Still, KM Waring, RA Sniezko, ...
Remote Sensing 12 (24), 4041, 2020
Inter-specific differences in the dynamics of water use and pulse-response of co-dominant canopy species in a dryland woodland
GFM Page, A Merchant, PF Grierson
Journal of Arid Environments 124, 332-340, 2016
Three‐dimensional xylem networks and phyllode properties of co‐occurring Acacia
GFM Page, J Liu, PF Grierson
Plant, Cell & Environment 34 (12), 2149-2158, 2011
When a cuvette is not a canopy: A caution about measuring leaf temperature during gas exchange measurements
CJ Still, A Sibley, G Page, FC Meinzer, S Sevanto
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 279, 107737, 2019
Inter-and intra-specific variation in phyllode size and growth form among closely related Mimosaceae Acacia species across a semiarid landscape gradient
GFM Page, LE Cullen, S van Leeuwen, PF Grierson
Australian Journal of Botany 59 (5), 426-439, 2011
A method for experimental warming of developing tree seeds with a common garden demonstration of seedling responses
ERV Moler, G Page, L Flores-Renteria, CG Garms, JB Hull, HF Cooper, ...
Plant Methods 17 (1), 1-12, 2021
Model selection and timing of acquisition date impacts classification accuracy: A case study using hyperspectral imaging to detect white pine blister rust over time
M Haagsma, GFM Page, JS Johnson, C Still, KM Waring, RA Sniezko, ...
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 191, 106555, 2021
Hyperspectral imagery of Pinus strobiformis infected with fungal pathogen
M Haagsma, G Page, JS Johnson
Is more data better? A comparison of multi-and hyperspectral imaging in phenotyping.
M Haagsma, G Page, J Johnson, C Still, K Waring, R Sniezko, J Selker
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 10673, 2020
Impacts of artificial inundation of ephemeral creek beds on mature riparian eucalypts in semi-arid northwest Australia
R Argus, G Page, P Grierson
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 16, 10098, 2014
Reply to Garen et al.: Within-canopy temperature data also do not support limited homeothermy
CJ Still, GFM Page, B Rastogi, DM Griffith, DM Aubrecht, Y Kim, SP Burns, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (15), e2302515120, 2023
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