Byungkwon Park
Byungkwon Park
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The power grid library for benchmarking ac optimal power flow algorithms
S Babaeinejadsarookolaee, A Birchfield, RD Christie, C Coffrin, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.02788, 2019
Tri-level scheduling model considering residential demand flexibility of aggregated HVACs and EVs under distribution LMP
X Wang, F Li, J Dong, MM Olama, Q Zhang, Q Shi, B Park, T Kuruganti
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 12 (5), 3990-4002, 2021
A comparison study on trading behavior and profit distribution in local energy transaction games
Y Chen, B Park, X Kou, M Hu, J Dong, F Li, K Amasyali, M Olama
Applied Energy 280, 115941, 2020
Examination of three different ACOPF formulations with generator capability curves
B Park, L Tang, MC Ferris, CL DeMarco
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 32 (4), 2913-2923, 2016
Optimal demand response incorporating distribution LMP with PV generation uncertainty
B Park, Y Chen, M Olama, T Kuruganti, J Dong, X Wang, F Li
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 37 (2), 982-995, 2021
Examination of semi-analytical solution methods in the coarse operator of parareal algorithm for power system simulation
B Park, K Sun, A Dimitrovski, Y Liu, S Simunovic
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 36 (6), 5068-5080, 2021
Probabilistic zonal reserve requirements for improved energy management and deliverability with wind power uncertainty
B Park, Z Zhou, A Botterud, P Thimmapuram
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 35 (6), 4324-4334, 2020
A sparse tableau formulation for node-breaker representations in security-constrained optimal power flow
B Park, J Holzer, CL DeMarco
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 34 (1), 637-647, 2018
A Model-Free Voltage Control Approach to Mitigate Motor Stalling and FIDVR for Smart Grids
B Park, MM Olama
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 12 (1), 67-78, 2020
Model-free control for frequency response support in microgrids utilizing wind turbines
B Park, Y Zhang, M Olama, T Kuruganti
Electric Power Systems Research 194, 107080, 2021
Optimal network topology for node-breaker representations with AC power flow constraints
B Park, CL Demarco
IEEE Access 8, 64347-64355, 2020
Mitigation of Motor Stalling and FIDVR via Energy Storage Systems With Signal Temporal Logic
B Park, MM Olama
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 36 (2), 1164-1174, 2021
An enhanced OPA model: Incorporating dynamically induced cascading failures
B Park, X Su, K Sun
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 37 (6), 4962-4965, 2022
Decarbonizing the grid: Utilizing demand-side flexibility for carbon emission reduction through locational marginal emissions in distribution networks
B Park, J Dong, B Liu, T Kuruganti
Applied Energy 330, 120303, 2023
Sparse tableau approach for power system analysis and design
B Park, J Netha, MC Ferris, CL DeMarco
2018 north american power symposium (naps), 1-6, 2018
Benefits of sparse tableau over nodal admittance formulation for power-flow studies
B Park, MC Ferris, CL DeMarco
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 34 (6), 5023-5032, 2019
Sparse tableau relaxation for the optimal power flow problem
B Park, CL DeMarco
2017 55th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and …, 2017
Advanced modeling of DERs and UPFC devices with Sparse Tableau Formulation for ACOPF
B Park, CL DeMarco
Electric Power Systems Research 174, 105870, 2019
Review of emerging concepts in distribution system state estimation: Opportunities and challenges
AP Yadav, J Nutaro, B Park, J Dong, B Liu, SB Yoginath, H Yin, J Dong, ...
IEEE Access 11, 70503-70515, 2023
Convex Relaxation of Sparse Tableau Formulation for the AC Optimal Power Flow
B Park, CL DeMarco
Electric Power Systems Research 171, 209-218, 2019
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