Matteo Frigo
Matteo Frigo
Senior R&D Scientist, Corsmed
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Tractography reproducibility challenge with empirical data (traced): The 2017 ismrm diffusion study group challenge
V Nath, KG Schilling, P Parvathaneni, Y Huo, JA Blaber, AE Hainline, ...
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 51 (1), 234-249, 2020
A unified framework for multimodal structure–function mapping based on eigenmodes
S Deslauriers-Gauthier, M Zucchelli, M Frigo, R Deriche
Medical Image Analysis 66, 101799, 2020
Gibbs sampling approach to regime switching analysis of financial time series
L Di Persio, M Frigo
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 300, 43-55, 2016
Centering inclusivity in the design of online conferences—An OHBM–Open Science perspective
E Levitis, CDG van Praag, R Gau, S Heunis, E DuPre, G Kiar, ...
GigaScience 10 (8), giab051, 2021
On the generalizability of diffusion MRI signal representations across acquisition parameters, sequences and tissue types: chronicles of the MEMENTO challenge
A De Luca, A Ianus, A Leemans, M Palombo, N Shemesh, H Zhang, ...
NeuroImage 240, 118367, 2021
Diffusion MRI tractography filtering techniques change the topology of structural connectomes
M Frigo, S Deslauriers-Gauthier, D Parker, AAO Ismail, JJ Kim, R Verma, ...
Journal of Neural Engineering 17 (6), 065002, 2020
Maximum likelihood approach to markov switching models
L Di Persio, M Frigo
WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics 12, 239-242, 2015
Transcriptomic and cellular decoding of functional brain connectivity changes reveal regional brain vulnerability to pro-and anti-inflammatory therapies
D Martins, O Dipasquale, K Davies, E Cooper, J Tibble, M Veronese, ...
Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 102, 312-323, 2022
Network alignment and similarity reveal atlas-based topological differences in structural connectomes
M Frigo, E Cruciani, D Coudert, R Deriche, E Natale, ...
Network Neuroscience 5 (3), 711-733, 2021
Multi Tissue Modelling of Diffusion MRI Signal Reveals Volume Fraction Bias
M Frigo, RHJ Fick, M Zucchelli, S Deslauriers-Gauthier, R Deriche
2020 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 991-994, 2020
Integrating neuroimaging and gene expression data using the imaging transcriptomics toolbox
A Giacomel, D Martins, M Frigo, F Turkheimer, SCR Williams, ...
STAR protocols 3 (2), 101315, 2022
REACT-fMRI Python package
O Dipasquale, M Frigo
Zenodo, 2021
Reducing false positive connection in tractograms using joint structure-function filtering
M Frigo, G Gallardo, I Costantini, A Daducci, D Wassermann, R Deriche, ...
OHBM 2018-Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2018
Tractography passes the test: results from the diffusion-simulated connectivity (DiSCo) challenge
G Girard, J Rafael-Patiño, R Truffet, DB Aydogan, N Adluru, VA Nair, ...
NeuroImage, 120231, 2023
Multi-Tissue Multi-Compartment Models of Diffusion MRI
M Frigo, R Fick, M Zucchelli, S Deslauriers-Gauthier, R Deriche
Resolving the crossing/kissing fiber ambiguity using Functionally Informed COMMIT
M Frigo, I Costantini, R Deriche, S Deslauriers-Gauthier
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted …, 2019
TALON: Tractograms As Linear Operators in Neuroimaging
M Frigo, M Zucchelli, R Deriche, S Deslauriers-Gauthier
Multi-compartment modelling of diffusion MRI signal shows TE-based volume fraction bias
M Frigo, M Zucchelli, R Fick, S Deslauriers-Gauthier, R Deriche
OHBM 2020-26th meeting of the Organization of Human Brain Mapping, 2020
Evaluating advanced multi-shell diffusion MRI microstructural biomarkers of Alzheimer’s disease
J Reina, T Nir, S Thomopoulos, L Salminen, NM Jahanshad, R Fick, ...
ISMRM, 2020
Effects of tractography filtering on the topology and interpretability of connectomes
M Frigo, S Deslauriers-Gauthier, D Parker, AAO Ismail, JJ Kim, R Verma, ...
OHBM 2019-Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2019
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