Giuliano Giudici
Giuliano Giudici
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Lattice gauge theories and string dynamics in Rydberg atom quantum simulators
FM Surace, PP Mazza, G Giudici, A Lerose, A Gambassi, M Dalmonte
Physical Review X 10 (2), 021041, 2020
Entanglement Hamiltonians of lattice models via the Bisognano-Wichmann theorem
G Giudici, T Mendes-Santos, P Calabrese, M Dalmonte
Physical Review B 98 (13), 134403, 2018
Dynamical preparation of quantum spin liquids in Rydberg atom arrays
G Giudici, MD Lukin, H Pichler
Physical Review Letters 129 (9), 090401, 2022
Temporal entanglement, quasiparticles, and the role of interactions
G Giudice, G Giudici, M Sonner, J Thoenniss, A Lerose, DA Abanin, ...
Physical review letters 128 (22), 220401, 2022
Exact many-body scars and their stability in constrained quantum chains
FM Surace, M Votto, EG Lazo, A Silva, M Dalmonte, G Giudici
Physical Review B 103 (10), 104302, 2021
Entanglement Hamiltonian of quantum critical chains and conformal field theories
T Mendes-Santos, G Giudici, M Dalmonte, MA Rajabpour
Physical Review B 100 (15), 155122, 2019
Entanglement-guided search for parent Hamiltonians
X Turkeshi, T Mendes-Santos, G Giudici, M Dalmonte
Physical Review Letters 122 (15), 150606, 2019
Diagnosing Potts criticality and two-stage melting in one-dimensional hard-core boson models
G Giudici, A Angelone, G Magnifico, Z Zeng, G Giudice, T Mendes-Santos, ...
Physical Review B 99 (9), 094434, 2019
Measuring von Neumann entanglement entropies without wave functions
T Mendes-Santos, G Giudici, R Fazio, M Dalmonte
New Journal of Physics 22 (1), 013044, 2020
Trimer states with ℤ3 topological order in Rydberg atom arrays
G Giudice, FM Surace, H Pichler, G Giudici
Physical Review B 106 (19), 195155, 2022
Weak-ergodicity-breaking via lattice supersymmetry
FM Surace, G Giudici, M Dalmonte
Quantum 4, 339, 2020
Breakdown of ergodicity in disordered lattice gauge theories
G Giudici, FM Surace, JE Ebot, A Scardicchio, M Dalmonte
Physical Review Research 2 (3), 032034, 2020
Integrable digital quantum simulation: Generalized Gibbs ensembles and Trotter transitions
E Vernier, B Bertini, G Giudici, L Piroli
Physical Review Letters 130 (26), 260401, 2023
Understanding quantum tunneling using diffusion Monte Carlo simulations
EM Inack, G Giudici, T Parolini, G Santoro, S Pilati
Physical Review A 97 (3), 032307, 2018
Tunneling in projective quantum Monte Carlo simulations with guiding wave functions
T Parolini, EM Inack, G Giudici, S Pilati
Physical Review B 100 (21), 214303, 2019
Unsupervised interpretable learning of phases from many-qubit systems
N Sadoune, G Giudici, K Liu, L Pollet
Physical Review Research 5 (1), 013082, 2023
Locality optimization for parent Hamiltonians of Tensor Networks
G Giudici, JI Cirac, N Schuch
Physical Review B 106 (3), 035109, 2022
Classification and emergence of quantum spin liquids in chiral Rydberg models
PS Tarabunga, G Giudici, T Chanda, M Dalmonte
Physical Review B 108 (7), 075118, 2023
The coprime quantum chain
G Mussardo, G Giudici, J Viti
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2017 (3), 033104, 2017
Quantum dimer models with Rydberg gadgets
Z Zeng, G Giudici, H Pichler
Physical Review Research 7 (1), L012006, 2025
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