Changsha University of Science and Technology, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Associate
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Characterization of coals and coal ashes with high Si content using combined second-derivative infrared spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy
Y Yin, H Yin, Z Wu, C Qi, H Tian, W Zhang, Z Hu, L Feng
Crystals 9 (10), 513, 2019
Co-pyrolysis of Miscanthus Sacchariflorus and coals: A systematic study on the synergies in thermal decomposition, kinetics and vapour phase products
H Tian, H Jiao, J Cai, J Wang, Y Yang, AV Bridgwater
Fuel 262, 116603, 2020
Characteristics and synergistic effects of co-pyrolysis of microalgae with polypropylene
L Jiang, Z Zhou, H Xiang, Y Yang, H Tian, J Wang
Fuel 314, 122765, 2022
FT-IR and micro-Raman spectroscopic characterization of minerals in high-calcium coal ashes
Y Yin, J Yin, W Zhang, H Tian, Z Hu, M Ruan, H Xu, L Liu, X Yan, D Chen
Journal of the Energy Institute 91 (3), 389-396, 2018
Steam gasification of Miscanthus derived char: the reaction kinetics and reactivity with correlation to the material composition and microstructure
H Tian, Q Hu, J Wang, L Liu, Y Yang, AV Bridgwater
Energy Conversion and Management 219, 113026, 2020
Kinetic study on the CO2 gasification of biochar derived from Miscanthus at different processing conditions
H Tian, Q Hu, J Wang, D Chen, Y Yang, AV Bridgwater
Energy 217, 119341, 2021
Increasing the bio-aromatics yield in the biomass pyrolysis oils by the integration of torrefaction deoxygenation pretreatment and catalytic fast pyrolysis with a dual catalyst …
H Tian, L Chen, Z Huang, S Cheng, Y Yang
Renewable Energy 187, 561-571, 2022
Effect of char structure evolution during pyrolysis on combustion characteristics and kinetics of waste biomass
Y Yin, J Yin, W Zhang, H Tian, Z Hu, M Ruan, Z Song, L Liu
Journal of Energy Resources Technology 140 (7), 072203, 2018
Combustion characteristics and combustionkinetics of agriculture biomass
H Tian, Z Liao
Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering 29 (10), 203-212, 2013
Optimizing the gasification reactivity of biochar: The composition, structure and kinetics of biochar derived from biomass lignocellulosic components and their interactions …
H Tian, Y Wei, S Cheng, Z Huang, M Qing, Y Chen, H Yang, Y Yang
Fuel 324, 124709, 2022
Catalytic fast Co-Pyrolysis of sewage sludge− sawdust using mixed metal oxides modified with ZSM-5 catalysts on dual-catalysts for product upgrading
NAH Morni, CM Yeung, H Tian, Y Yang, N Phusunti, MSA Bakar, AK Azad
Journal of the Energy Institute 94, 387-397, 2021
Characteristics and kinetics analyses of different genus biomass pyrolysis
C Yao, H Tian, Z Hu, Y Yin, D Chen, X Yan
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering 35, 511-517, 2018
The nitrogen transformation and controlling mechanism of NH3 and HCN conversion during the catalytic pyrolysis of amino acid
H Tian, Y Wei, Z Huang, Y Chen, O Tursunov, S Cheng, H Yang, Y Yang
Fuel 333, 126215, 2023
Integration of spent coffee grounds valorization for co-production of biodiesel and activated carbon: An energy and techno-economic case assessment in China
H Tian, T Zhou, Z Huang, J Wang, H Cheng, Y Yang
Journal of Cleaner Production 324, 129187, 2021
Mechanism of acid-catalyzed pyrolysis of levoglucosan: Formation of anhydro-disaccharides
B He, Y Yu, X Gong, S Liu, H Tian, E Leng
Fuel 345, 128242, 2023
Pyrolysis of the food waste collected from catering and households under different temperatures: Assessing the evolution of char structure and bio-oil composition
M Qing, Y Long, L Liu, Y Yi, W Li, R He, Y Yin, H Tian, J He, S Cheng, ...
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 164, 105543, 2022
The effects of alkali metals and alkaline earth metals on the mechanism of N-containing gases production during glutamic acid pyrolysis
Y Wei, H Tian, L Liu, S Cheng, M Qing, Y Chen, H Yang, Y Yang
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 168, 105787, 2022
Numerical investigation of the melting characteristics of spherical-encapsulated phase change materials with composite metal fins
Z Hu, D Xue, W Wang, H Tian, Q Yin, Y Xuan, D Chen
Journal of Energy Storage 68, 107902, 2023
Experimental and DFT study on the migration and transformation mechanism of nitrogen during the pyrolysis of food waste
M Qing, Y Zheng, L Liu, S Huang, H Zeng, H Tian, J Xiang
Fuel 342, 127773, 2023
Effects of pyrolysis parameters on the distribution of pyrolysis products of Miscanthus
Z Hu, T Zhou, H Tian, L Feng, C Yao, Y Yin, D Chen
Progress in Reaction Kinetics and Mechanism 46, 14686783211010970, 2021
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