Ingo Wiedenhoever
Ingo Wiedenhoever
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Commissioning the A1900 projectile fragment separator
DJ Morrissey, BM Sherrill, M Steiner, A Stolz, I Wiedenhoever
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2003
Ground-State Band and Deformation of the Isotope
P Reiter, TL Khoo, CJ Lister, D Seweryniak, I Ahmad, M Alcorta, ...
Physical review letters 82 (3), 509, 1999
Transition Rates between Mixed Symmetry States: First Measurement in
N Pietralla, C Fransen, D Belic, P Von Brentano, C Frießner, U Kneissl, ...
Physical review letters 83 (7), 1303, 1999
Structure of 52, 54Ti and shell closures in neutron-rich nuclei above 48Ca
RVF Janssens, B Fornal, PF Mantica, BA Brown, R Broda, ...
Physics Letters B 546 (1-2), 55-62, 2002
New features of superdeformed bands in
B Cederwall, RVF Janssens, MJ Brinkman, IY Lee, I Ahmad, JA Becker, ...
Physical review letters 72 (20), 3150, 1994
The wobbling mode in 167Lu
H Amro, WC Ma, GB Hagemann, RM Diamond, J Domscheit, P Fallon, ...
Physics Letters B 553 (3-4), 197-203, 2003
Entry Distribution, Fission Barrier, and Formation Mechanism of
P Reiter, TL Khoo, T Lauritsen, CJ Lister, D Seweryniak, AA Sonzogni, ...
Physical Review Letters 84 (16), 3542, 2000
‘Magic’ nucleus 42Si
J Fridmann, I Wiedenhöver, A Gade, LT Baby, D Bazin, BA Brown, ...
Nature 435 (7044), 922-924, 2005
Isovector quadrupole excitations in the valence shell of the vibrator nucleus Evidence from photon scattering experiments
N Pietralla, D Belic, P Von Brentano, C Fransen, RD Herzberg, U Kneissl, ...
Physical Review C 58 (2), 796, 1998
First Observation of the Scissors Mode in a -Soft Nucleus: The Case of Pt
P Von Brentano, J Eberth, J Enders, L Esser, RD Herzberg, N Huxel, ...
Physical review letters 76 (12), 2029, 1996
Fine structure of the E1 response in 140Ce below the particle threshold
RD Herzberg, P Von Brentano, J Eberth, J Enders, R Fischer, N Huxel, ...
Physics Letters B 390 (1-4), 49-54, 1997
Nuclear resonance fluorescence experiments on 204,206,207,208 Pb up to 6.75 MeV
J Enders, P Von Brentano, J Eberth, A Fitzler, C Fransen, RD Herzberg, ...
Nuclear Physics A 724 (3-4), 243-273, 2003
Direct Decay from the Superdeformed Band to the Yrast Line in
T Lauritsen, MP Carpenter, T Døssing, P Fallon, B Herskind, ...
Physical review letters 88 (4), 042501, 2002
Resolved dipole strength below the giant resonance in
RD Herzberg, C Fransen, P Von Brentano, J Eberth, J Enders, A Fitzler, ...
Physical Review C 60 (5), 051307, 1999
Octupole correlations in the Pu isotopes: From vibration to static deformation?
I Wiedenhöver, RVF Janssens, G Hackman, I Ahmad, JP Greene, H Amro, ...
Physical review letters 83 (11), 2143, 1999
First evidence for triaxial superdeformation in 168Hf
H Amro, PG Varmette, WC Ma, B Herskind, GB Hagemann, G Sletten, ...
Physics Letters B 506 (1-2), 39-44, 2001
Structure of the Odd-, Shell-Stabilized Nucleus
P Reiter, TL Khoo, I Ahmad, AV Afanasjev, A Heinz, T Lauritsen, CJ Lister, ...
Physical review letters 95 (3), 032501, 2005
Rotational Bands in the Proton Emitter
D Seweryniak, PJ Woods, JJ Ressler, CN Davids, A Heinz, AA Sonzogni, ...
Physical review letters 86 (8), 1458, 2001
Multiple quadrupole “phonon” excitations in 130Ba
G Siems, U Neuneyer, I Wiedenhöver, S Albers, M Eschenauer, ...
Physics Letters B 320 (1-2), 1-6, 1994
Triple configuration coexistence in
D Santiago-Gonzalez, I Wiedenhöver, V Abramkina, ML Avila, T Baugher, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 83 (6), 061305, 2011
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