benyamin parang
benyamin parang
MS of Electrical Engineering, Shiraz University
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Integration of accelerated deep neural network into power transformer differential protection
S Afrasiabi, M Afrasiabi, B Parang, M Mohammadi
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 16 (2), 865-876, 2019
Designing a composite deep learning based differential protection scheme of power transformers
S Afrasiabi, M Afrasiabi, B Parang, M Mohammadi
Applied Soft Computing 87, 105975, 2020
Real-time bearing fault diagnosis of induction motors with accelerated deep learning approach
S Afrasiabi, M Afrasiabi, B Parang, M Mohammadi
2019 10th international power electronics, drive systems and technologies …, 2019
Detection and classification of multiple power quality disturbances based on temporal deep learning
M Mohammadi, M Afrasiabi, S Afrasiabi, B Parang
2019 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering …, 2019
Power transformers internal fault diagnosis based on deep convolutional neural networks
M Afrasiabi, S Afrasiabi, B Parang, M Mohammadi
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 37 (1), 1165-1179, 2019
Fast GRNN-based method for distinguishing inrush currents in power transformers
S Afrasiabi, M Afrasiabi, B Parang, M Mohammadi, H Samet, T Dragicevic
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 69 (8), 8501-8512, 2021
Wind turbine fault diagnosis with generative-temporal convolutional neural network
S Afrasiabi, M Afrasiabi, B Parang, M Mohammadi, MM Arefi, M Rastegar
2019 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering …, 2019
Fault localisation and diagnosis in transmission networks based on robust deep Gabor convolutional neural network and PMU measurements
S Afrasiabi, M Afrasiabi, M Mohammadi, B Parang
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 14 (26), 6484-6492, 2020
Modulated Gabor filter based deep convolutional network for electrical motor bearing fault classification and diagnosis
S Afrasiabi, M Mohammadi, M Afrasiabi, B Parang
IET science, measurement & technology 15 (2), 154-162, 2021
Ensemble kalman filter based dynamic state estimation of PMSG-based wind turbine
S Afrasiabi, M Afrasiabi, M Rastegar, M Mohammadi, B Parang, ...
2019 IEEE Texas Power and Energy Conference (TPEC), 1-4, 2019
Two-stage deep learning-based wind turbine condition monitoring using SCADA data
S Afrasiabi, M Afrasiabi, B Parang, M Mohammadi, S Kahourzade, ...
2020 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy …, 2020
Residualisation‐based model order reduction in power networks with penetration of photovoltaic resources
B Parang, M Mohammadi, MM Arefi
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 13 (13), 2619-2626, 2019
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