Massimiliano Di Luca
Massimiliano Di Luca
Sonstige NamenMax Di Luca
University of Birmingham, School of Psychology
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The rubber hand illusion: feeling of ownership and proprioceptive drift do not go hand in hand
M Rohde, M Di Luca, MO Ernst
PloS one 6 (6), e21659, 2011
Recalibration of multisensory simultaneity: cross-modal transfer coincides with a change in perceptual latency
M Di Luca, TK Machulla, MO Ernst
Journal of vision 9 (12), 7-7, 2009
Locomotion Vault: the Extra Mile in Analyzing VR Locomotion Techniques
M Di Luca, M., Seifi, H., Egan, S., Gonzales Franco
Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2021
Combination and integration in the perception of visual-haptic compliance information
M Kuschel, M Di Luca, M Buss, RL Klatzky
IEEE Transactions on Haptics 3 (4), 234-244, 2010
New method to measure end-to-end delay of virtual reality
M Di Luca
Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments 19 (6), 569-584, 2010
Effects of visual–haptic asynchronies and loading–unloading movements on compliance perception
M Di Luca, B Knörlein, MO Ernst, M Harders
Brain research bulletin 85 (5), 245-259, 2011
Multisensory perception: from integration to remapping
MO Ernst, M Di Luca
Sensory cue integration (Trommershauser J, Körding KP, Landy MS, eds), 224-250, 2011
Influence of visual and haptic delays on stiffness perception in augmented reality
B Knorlein, M Di Luca, M Harders
2009 8th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 49-52, 2009
The duration of uncertain times: audiovisual information about intervals is integrated in a statistically optimal fashion
J Hartcher-O'Brien, M Di Luca, MO Ernst
PloS one 9 (3), e89339, 2014
The effect of hand size and interaction modality on the virtual hand illusion
L Lin, A Normoyle, A Adkins, Y Sun, A Robb, Y Ye, M Di Luca, S Jörg
2019 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), 510-518, 2019
Audiovisual asynchrony detection in human speech.
JX Maier, M Di Luca, U Noppeney
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 37 (1), 245, 2011
Touch with foreign hands: The effect of virtual hand appearance on visual-haptic integration
V Schwind, L Lin, M Di Luca, S Jörg, J Hillis
Proceedings of the 15th ACM Symposium on Applied Perception, 1-8, 2018
Optimal Perceived Timing: Integrating Sensory Information with Dynamically Updated Expectations
M Di Luca, D Rhodes
Scientific Reports 6, 28563, 2016
Skin and mechanoreceptor contribution to tactile input for perception: a review of simulation models
D Deflorio, M Di Luca, AM Wing
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 178, 2022
Perceptual limits of visual-haptic simultaneity in virtual reality interactions
M Di Luca, A Mahnan
IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC), 2019, 2019
Virtual grasping feedback and virtual hand ownership
R Canales, A Normoyle, Y Sun, Y Ye, M Di Luca, S Jörg
ACM Symposium on Applied Perception 2019, 1-9, 2019
A methodological framework to assess the accuracy of virtual reality hand-tracking systems: A case study with the Meta Quest 2
D Abdlkarim, M Di Luca, P Aves, M Maaroufi, SH Yeo, RC Miall, P Holland, ...
Behavior research methods 56 (2), 1052-1063, 2024
Look but don't touch: visual cues to surface structure drive somatosensory cortex
HC Sun, AE Welchman, DHF Chang, M Di Luca
Neuroimage 128, 353-361, 2016
Timing and Time Perception: Procedures, Measures & Applications
A Vatakis, F Balcı, M Di Luca, Á Correa, 2018
Peri-personal space as a prior in coupling visual and proprioceptive signals
JP Noel, M Samad, A Doxon, J Clark, S Keller, M Di Luca
Scientific Reports 8 (15819), 2018
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