Alfredo Peña
Alfredo Peña
Sonstige NamenAlfredo Peña Diaz, Alfredo Peña Díaz, Alfredo Pena
Professor, Wind and Energy Systems, Technical University of Denmark
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Wind turbine wake models developed at the technical university of Denmark: A review
T Göçmen, P Van der Laan, PE Réthoré, AP Diaz, GC Larsen, S Ott
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 60, 752-769, 2016
Evaluation of the wind direction uncertainty and its impact on wake modeling at the Horns Rev offshore wind farm
M Gaumond, PE Réthoré, S Ott, A Pena, A Bechmann, KS Hansen
Wind Energy 17 (8), 1169-1178, 2014
Offshore wind profiling using light detection and ranging measurements
A Peña, CB Hasager, SE Gryning, M Courtney, I Antoniou, T Mikkelsen
Wind Energy: An International Journal for Progress and Applications in Wind …, 2009
Wind climate estimation using WRF model output: method and model sensitivities over the sea.
AN Hahmann, CL Vincent, A Peña, J Lange, CB Hasager
International Journal of Climatology 35 (12), 2015
Evaluating winds and vertical wind shear from Weather Research and Forecasting model forecasts using seven planetary boundary layer schemes
C Draxl, AN Hahmann, A Peña, G Giebel
Wind Energy 17 (1), 39-55, 2014
The Høvsøre Tall Wind-Profile Experiment: A Description of Wind Profile Observations in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer
A Peña, R Floors, SE Gryning
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 150 (1), 69-89, 2014
Complex terrain experiments in the new european wind atlas
J Mann, N Angelou, J Arnqvist, D Callies, E Cantero, RC Arroyo, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2017
Measurements and modelling of the wind speed profile in the marine atmospheric boundary layer
A Peña, SE Gryning, CB Hasager
Boundary-layer meteorology 129, 479-495, 2008
On the application of the Jensen wake model using a turbulence‐dependent wake decay coefficient: the Sexbierum case
A Peña, PE Réthoré, MP van der Laan
Wind Energy 19 (4), 763-776, 2016
SAR-based wind resource statistics in the Baltic Sea
CB Hasager, M Badger, A Peña, XG Larsén, F Bingöl
Remote Sensing 3 (1), 117-144, 2011
Comparison of the atmospheric stability and wind profiles at two wind farm sites over a long marine fetch in the North Sea
A Sathe, SE Gryning, A Peña
Wind Energy 14 (6), 767-780, 2011
Benchmarking of wind turbine wake models in large offshore windfarms
M Gaumond, PE Réthoré, A Bechmann, S Ott, GC Larsen, AP Diaz, ...
The Science of Making Torque from Wind 2012: 4th scientific conference, 2012
Offshore wind climatology based on synergetic use of Envisat ASAR, ASCAT and QuikSCAT
CB Hasager, A Mouche, M Badger, F Bingöl, I Karagali, T Driesenaar, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 156, 247-263, 2015
Ten years of boundary-layer and wind-power meteorology at Høvsøre, Denmark
A Peña, R Floors, A Sathe, SE Gryning, R Wagner, MS Courtney, ...
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 158, 1-26, 2016
Atmospheric stability‐dependent infinite wind‐farm models and the wake‐decay coefficient
A Peña, O Rathmann
Wind Energy 17 (8), 1269-1285, 2014
Remote sensing observation used in offshore wind energy
CB Hasager, A Peña, MB Christiansen, P Astrup, M Nielsen, F Monaldo, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2008
On the length‐scale of the wind profile
A Peña, SE Gryning, J Mann
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 136 (653), 2119-2131, 2010
Lidar scanning of momentum flux in and above the atmospheric surface layer
J Mann, A Peña, F Bingöl, R Wagner, MS Courtney
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 27 (6), 959-976, 2010
The wind profile in the coastal boundary layer: Wind lidar measurements and numerical modelling
R Floors, CL Vincent, SE Gryning, A Peña, E Batchvarova
Boundary-layer meteorology 147, 469-491, 2013
Remote sensing for wind energy
A Peña, CB Hasager, J Lange, J Anger, M Badger, F Bingöl, O Bischoff, ...
DTU Wind Energy, 2013
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