Frédéric Cappa
Frédéric Cappa
Professor of Geophysics, (1) Université Côte d'Azur, Géoazur, (2) Institut Universitaire de France
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Seismicity triggered by fluid injection–induced aseismic slip
Y Guglielmi, F Cappa, JP Avouac, P Henry, D Elsworth
Science 348 (6240), 1224-1226, 2015
Estimating maximum sustainable injection pressure during geological sequestration of CO2 using coupled fluid flow and geomechanical fault-slip analysis
J Rutqvist, J Birkholzer, F Cappa, CF Tsang
Energy Conversion and Management 48 (6), 1798-1807, 2007
Modeling of coupled deformation and permeability evolution during fault reactivation induced by deep underground injection of CO2
F Cappa, J Rutqvist
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 5 (2), 336-346, 2011
Modeling of fault reactivation and induced seismicity during hydraulic fracturing of shale-gas reservoirs
J Rutqvist, AP Rinaldi, F Cappa, GJ Moridis
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 107, 31-44, 2013
Induced seismicity provides insight into why earthquake ruptures stop
M Galis, JP Ampuero, PM Mai, F Cappa
Science advances 3 (12), eaap7528, 2017
Impact of CO2 geological sequestration on the nucleation of earthquakes
F Cappa, J Rutqvist
Geophysical research letters 38 (17), 2011
Location of largest earthquake slip and fast rupture controlled by along‐strike change in fault structural maturity due to fault growth
C Perrin, I Manighetti, JP Ampuero, F Cappa, Y Gaudemer
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 121 (5), 3666-3685, 2016
Fault activation and induced seismicity in geological carbon storage–Lessons learned from recent modeling studies
J Rutqvist, AP Rinaldi, F Cappa, P Jeanne, A Mazzoldi, L Urpi, ...
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 8 (6), 789-804, 2016
Stabilization of fault slip by fluid injection in the laboratory and in situ
F Cappa, MM Scuderi, C Collettini, Y Guglielmi, JP Avouac
Science advances 5 (3), eaau4065, 2019
The 2012 Brawley swarm triggered by injection-induced aseismic slip
S Wei, JP Avouac, KW Hudnut, A Donnellan, JW Parker, RW Graves, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 422, 115-125, 2015
Geomechanical effects on CO2 leakage through fault zones during large-scale underground injection
AP Rinaldi, J Rutqvist, F Cappa
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 20, 117-131, 2014
Modeling of fault activation and seismicity by injection directly into a fault zone associated with hydraulic fracturing of shale-gas reservoirs
J Rutqvist, AP Rinaldi, F Cappa, GJ Moridis
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 127, 377-386, 2015
Modeling crustal deformation and rupture processes related to upwelling of deep CO2‐rich fluids during the 1965–1967 Matsushiro earthquake swarm in Japan
F Cappa, J Rutqvist, K Yamamoto
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 114 (B10), 2009
In situ observations on the coupling between hydraulic diffusivity and displacements during fault reactivation in shales
Y Guglielmi, D Elsworth, F Cappa, P Henry, C Gout, P Dick, J Durand
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 120 (11), 7729-7748, 2015
Seismic rupture and ground accelerations induced by CO2 injection in the shallow crust
F Cappa, J Rutqvist
Geophysical Journal International 190 (3), 1784-1789, 2012
ISRM suggested method for step-rate injection method for fracture in-situ properties (SIMFIP): Using a 3-components borehole deformation sensor
Y Guglielmi, F Cappa, H Lançon, JB Janowczyk, J Rutqvist, CF Tsang, ...
The ISRM Suggested Methods for Rock Characterization, Testing and Monitoring …, 2014
Hydromechanical interactions in a fractured carbonate reservoir inferred from hydraulic and mechanical measurements
F Cappa, Y Guglielmi, P Fénart, V Merrien-Soukatchoff, A Thoraval
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 42 (2), 287-306, 2005
Hydromechanical modeling of a large moving rock slope inferred from slope levelling coupled to spring long-term hydrochemical monitoring: example of the La Clapière landslide …
F Cappa, Y Guglielmi, VM Soukatchoff, J Mudry, C Bertrand, A Charmoille
Journal of Hydrology 291 (1-2), 67-90, 2004
Hydromechanical modelling of pulse tests that measure fluid pressure and fracture normal displacement at the Coaraze Laboratory site, France
F Cappa, Y Guglielmi, J Rutqvist, CF Tsang, A Thoraval
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 43 (7), 1062-1082, 2006
Generic along‐strike segmentation of A far normal faults, E ast A frica: Implications on fault growth and stress heterogeneity on seismogenic fault planes
I Manighetti, C Caulet, L De Barros, C Perrin, F Cappa, Y Gaudemer
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 16 (2), 443-467, 2015
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