Nikos Voskarides
Nikos Voskarides
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Query Resolution for Conversational Search with Limited Supervision
N Voskarides, D Li, P Ren, E Kanoulas, M de Rijke
SIGIR 2020: The 43st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research …, 2020
Learning to Explain Entity Relationships in Knowledge Graphs
N Voskarides, E Meij, M Tsagkias, M de Rijke, W Weerkamp
ACL 2015: The 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2015
Analysing the effect of clarifying questions on document ranking in conversational search
AM Krasakis, M Aliannejadi, N Voskarides, E Kanoulas
Proceedings of the 2020 acm sigir on international conference on theory of …, 2020
A Comparison of Question Rewriting Methods for Conversational Passage Retrieval
S Vakulenko, N Voskarides, Z Tu, S Longpre
ECIR 2021: European Conference on Information Retrieval, 2021
Generating descriptions of entity relationships
N Voskarides, E Meij, M de Rijke
ECIR 2017: European Conference on Information Retrieval, 317-330, 2017
Weakly-supervised contextualization of knowledge graph facts
N Voskarides, E Meij, R Reinanda, A Khaitan, M Osborne, G Stefanoni, ...
SIGIR 2018: The 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research …, 2018
ILPS at TREC 2019 Conversational Assistant Track
N Voskarides, D Li, A Panteli, P Ren
TREC 2019, 2019
A Comparison of Supervised Learning to Match Methods for Product Search
F Sarvi, N Voskarides, L Mooiman, S Schelter, M de Rijke
eCOM 2020: The 2020 SIGIR Workshop on eCommerce, 2020
Query-dependent contextualization of streaming data
N Voskarides, D Odijk, M Tsagkias, W Weerkamp, M de Rijke
ECIR 2014: European Conference on Information Retrieval, 706-712, 2014
Combining lexical and dense retrieval for computationally efficient multi-hop question answering
G Sidiropoulos, N Voskarides, S Vakulenko, E Kanoulas
arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.08433, 2021
Knowledge Graph Simple Question Answering for Unseen Domains
G Sidiropoulos, N Voskarides, E Kanoulas
AKBC 2020: Automated Knowledge Base Construction, 2020
News article retrieval in context for event-centric narrative creation
N Voskarides, E Meij, S Sauer, M de Rijke
Proceedings of the 2021 ACM SIGIR International Conference on Theory of …, 2021
Supporting search engines with knowledge and context
N Voskarides
arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.06762, 2021
Leveraging Query Resolution and Reading Comprehension for Conversational Passage Retrieval
S Vakulenko, N Voskarides, Z Tu, S Longpre
TREC 2020, 2021
MICROS: Mixed-Initiative ConveRsatiOnal Systems Workshop
I Mele, CI Muntean, M Aliannejadi, N Voskarides
ECIR 2021: European Conference on Information Retrieval, 2021
Explaining relationships between entities
N Voskarides
University of Amsterdam, 2014
Performance-efficiency trade-offs in adapting language models to text classification tasks
L Aina, N Voskarides, R Blanco
AACL-IJCNLP 2022, 2022
The 2nd Workshop on Mixed-Initiative ConveRsatiOnal Systems (MICROS)
I Mele, CI Muntean, M Aliannejadi, N Voskarides
Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Information …, 2022
ECIR 2021 Workshop Proposal MICROS: Mixed-Initiative ConveRsatiOnal Systems
I Mele, CI Muntean, M Aliannejadi, N Voskarides
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Artikel 1–19