Christopher Dromey
Christopher Dromey
Professor of Communication Disorders, Brigham Young University
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Phonatory and articulatory changes associated with increased vocal intensity in Parkinson disease: A case study
C Dromey, LO Ramig, AB Johnson
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 38 (4), 751-764, 1995
Intensive voice treatment in Parkinson disease: laryngostroboscopic findings
ME Smith, LO Ramig, C Dromey, KS Perez, R Samandari
Journal of voice 9 (4), 453-459, 1995
The Parkinson larynx: tremor and videostroboscopic findings
KS Perez, LO Ramig, ME Smith, C Dromey
Journal of Voice 10 (4), 354-361, 1996
Estimating dysphonia severity in continuous speech: application of a multi-parameter spectral/cepstral model
SN Awan, N Roy, C Dromey
Clinical linguistics & phonetics 23 (11), 825-841, 2009
Articulatory changes in muscle tension dysphonia: evidence of vowel space expansion following manual circumlaryngeal therapy
N Roy, SL Nissen, C Dromey, S Sapir
Journal of communication disorders 42 (2), 124-135, 2009
Intentional changes in sound pressure level and rate: Their impact on measures of respiration, phonation, and articulation
C Dromey, LO Ramig
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 41 (5), 1003-1018, 1998
Aerodynamic mechanisms underlying treatment-related changes in vocal intensity in patients with Parkinson disease
LO Ramig, C Dromey
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 39 (4), 798-807, 1996
An investigation of the effects of subthalamic nucleus stimulation on acoustic measures of voice
C Dromey, R Kumar, AE Lang, AM Lozano
Movement disorders: official journal of the Movement Disorder Society 15 (6 …, 2000
Botulinum toxin for essential tremor of the voice with multiple anatomical sites of tremor: a crossover design study of unilateral versus bilateral injection
P Warrick, C Dromey, JC Irish, L Durkin, A Pakiam, A Lang
The Laryngoscope 110 (8), 1366-1374, 2000
Effects of concurrent motor, linguistic, or cognitive tasks on speech motor performance
C Dromey, A Benson
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2003
Glottal airflow and electroglottographic measures of vocal function at multiple intensities
C Dromey, ET Stathopoulos, CM Sapienza
Journal of Voice 6 (1), 44-54, 1992
Articulatory changes following treatment of muscle tension dysphonia: preliminary acoustic evidence
C Dromey, SL Nissen, N Roy, RM Merrill
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2008
Articulatory kinematics in patients with Parkinson disease using different speech treatment approaches
C Dromey
Journal of Medical Speech Language Pathology 8 (3), 155-162, 2000
Speech interactions with linguistic, cognitive, and visuomotor tasks
C Dromey, E Bates
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2005
Assessing correlations between lingual movements and formants
C Dromey, GO Jang, K Hollis
Speech Communication 55 (2), 315-328, 2013
Approximations of open quotient and speed quotient from glottal airflow and EGG waveforms: effects of measurement criteria and sound pressure level
CM Sapienza, ET Stathopoulos, C Dromey
Journal of Voice 12 (1), 31-43, 1998
Spectral measures and perceptual ratings of hypokinetic dysarthria
C Dromey
Plural Publishing, 2003
The effects of divided attention on speech motor, verbal fluency, and manual task performance
C Dromey, E Shim
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2008
Vibrato rate adjustment
C Dromey, N Carter, A Hopkin
Journal of Voice 17 (2), 168-178, 2003
The treatment of essential voice tremor with botulinum toxin A: a longitudinal case report
P Warrick, C Dromey, J Irish, L Durkin
Journal of Voice 14 (3), 410-421, 2000
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