Heung-Yeung Shum
Heung-Yeung Shum
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Learning to detect a salient object
T Liu, Z Yuan, J Sun, J Wang, N Zheng, X Tang, HY Shum
IEEE Transactions on Pattern analysis and machine intelligence 33 (2), 353-367, 2010
Stereo matching using belief propagation
J Sun, NN Zheng, HY Shum
IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 25 (7), 787-800, 2003
Lazy snapping
Y Li, J Sun, CK Tang, HY Shum
ACM Transactions on Graphics (ToG) 23 (3), 303-308, 2004
Creating full view panoramic image mosaics and environment maps
R Szeliski, HY Shum
Seminal Graphics Papers: Pushing the Boundaries, Volume 2, 653-660, 2023
Image super-resolution using gradient profile prior
J Sun, Z Xu, HY Shum
2008 IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, 1-8, 2008
Dino: Detr with improved denoising anchor boxes for end-to-end object detection
H Zhang, F Li, S Liu, L Zhang, H Su, J Zhu, LM Ni, HY Shum
arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.03605, 2022
Plenoptic sampling
JX Chai, X Tong, SC Chan, HY Shum
Proceedings of the 27th annual conference on Computer graphics and …, 2000
Real-time texture synthesis by patch-based sampling
L Liang, C Liu, YQ Xu, B Guo, HY Shum
ACM Transactions on Graphics (ToG) 20 (3), 127-150, 2001
Poisson matting
J Sun, J Jia, CK Tang, HY Shum
ACM SIGGRAPH 2004 Papers, 315-321, 2004
Image completion with structure propagation
J Sun, L Yuan, J Jia, HY Shum
ACM Siggraph 2005 Papers, 861-868, 2005
Systems and experiment paper: Construction of panoramic image mosaics with global and local alignment
HY Shum, R Szeliski
International Journal of Computer Vision 36, 101-130, 2000
Image deblurring with blurred/noisy image pairs
L Yuan, J Sun, L Quan, HY Shum
ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 papers, 1-es, 2007
Rendering with concentric mosaics
HY Shum, LW He
Proceedings of the 26th annual conference on Computer graphics and …, 1999
The design and implementation of xiaoice, an empathetic social chatbot
L Zhou, J Gao, D Li, HY Shum
Computational Linguistics 46 (1), 53-93, 2020
Mesh editing with poisson-based gradient field manipulation
Y Yu, K Zhou, D Xu, X Shi, H Bao, B Guo, HY Shum
ACM SIGGRAPH 2004 Papers, 644-651, 2004
Full-frame video stabilization with motion inpainting
Y Matsushita, E Ofek, W Ge, X Tang, HY Shum
IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and Machine Intelligence 28 (7), 1150-1163, 2006
From Eliza to XiaoIce: challenges and opportunities with social chatbots
HY Shum, X He, D Li
Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 19, 10-26, 2018
Symmetric stereo matching for occlusion handling
J Sun, Y Li, SB Kang, HY Shum
2005 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2005
Motion texture: a two-level statistical model for character motion synthesis
Y Li, T Wang, HY Shum
Proceedings of the 29th annual conference on Computer graphics and …, 2002
Fundamental limits of reconstruction-based superresolution algorithms under local translation
Z Lin, HY Shum
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 26 (1), 83-97, 2004
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