James Michael Yoder
James Michael Yoder
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Cited by
Individuals–area relationships: the relationship between animal population density and area
EF Connor, AC Courtney, JM Yoder
Ecology 81 (3), 734-748, 2000
The cost of dispersal: predation as a function of movement and site familiarity in ruffed grouse
JM Yoder, EA Marschall, DA Swanson
Behavioral Ecology 15 (3), 469-476, 2004
Density-related predation by the Carolina chickadee, Poecile carolinensis, on the leaf-mining moth, Cameraria hamadryadella at three spatial scales
EF Connor, JM Yoder, JA May
Oikos, 105-112, 1999
Female Aggression in Microtus pennsylvanicus: Arena Trails in the Field
JM Yoder, JL Dooley Jr, JF Zawacki, MA Bowers
American Midland Naturalist, 1-8, 1996
Ruffed grouse dispersal: relationships with landscape and consequences for survival
JM Yoder
The Ohio State University, 2004
Introducing the nitrogen footprint in SIMAP: A review of improvements in nitrogen footprint methodology for institutions
E Dukes, E Castner, AM Leach, JN Galloway, J Lloret, S Messenger, ...
Sustainability and Climate Change 14 (6), 415-423, 2021
The role of feeding adaptations in resource competition between invasive and native Clams
DS Neufeld, J Yoder
Proceedings of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education 32, 78-87, 2011
Tracking and modeling the movement of Queensland fruit flies, Bactrocera tryoni, using harmonic radar in papaya fields
AL Hurst, AL O′ Brien, ND Miller, AMW Peachey, JM Yoder, ...
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 17521, 2024
PS 70-45: Measurement of native and invasive plant cover changes to improve planning and management in a rare Virginia wetland
CR Harman, JM Yoder, WB Cass
The 95th ESA Annual Meeting, 2010
Measurement of native and invasive plant cover changes to improve planning and management in a rare Virginia wetland
CR Harman, JM Yoder, WB Cass
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Articles 1–10