Amir H. Ghods
Amir H. Ghods
CEO, SMATS Traffic Solutions Inc., Canada
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An efficient optimization approach to real-time coordinated and integrated freeway traffic control
AH Ghods, L Fu, A Rahimi-Kian
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 11 (4), 873-884, 2010
Adaptive freeway ramp metering and variable speed limit control: a genetic-fuzzy approach
AH Ghods, AR Kian, M Tabibi
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine 1 (1), 27-36, 2009
Effect of car/truck differential speed limits on two-lane highways safety operation using microscopic simulation
AH Ghods, F Saccomanno, G Guido
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 53, 833-840, 2012
A genetic-fuzzy control application to ramp metering and variable speed limit control
AH Ghods, AR Kian, M Tabibi
2007 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 1723-1728, 2007
In-vehicle occupancy detection with convolutional networks on thermal images
F Erlik Nowruzi, WA El Ahmar, R Laganiere, AH Ghods
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2019
Real-time estimation of turning movement counts at signalized intersections using signal phase information
AH Ghods, L Fu
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 47, 128-138, 2014
Evaluation of using wi-fi signals to estimate intersection travel time
S Shiravi, K Hossain, L Fu, A Ghods
Proceedings, Annual Conference-Canadian Society for Civil Engineering 4, 2016, 2016
A game theory approach to optimal coordinated ramp metering and variable speed limits
AH Ghods, A Rahimi-Kian
2008 Chinese Control and Decision Conference, 91-96, 2008
Development and evaluation of a microscopic overtaking gap acceptance model for two-lane highways
AH Ghods, FF Saccomanno
Canadian journal of civil engineering 43 (6), 573-582, 2016
Safety and traffic implications of differential car and truck speed controls for two-lane highways
AH Ghods, FF Saccomanno
Journal of Transportation Engineering 142 (11), 04016056, 2016
Investigating Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and Bluetooth low-energy signal characteristics for integration in vehicle–pedestrian collision warning systems
S Mohammadi, K Ismail, AH Ghods
Sustainability 13 (19), 10823, 2021
Microscopic overtaking model to simulate two-lane highway traffic operation and safety performance
AH Ghods
University of Waterloo, 2013
Microscopic overtaking gap acceptance model for two-lane highways
AH Ghods, FF Saccomanno
Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2014
A micro-simulation overtaking gap acceptance model for rural two-lane highways
AH Ghods, FF Saccomanno
Canadian Institute of Transportation Engineers (CITE) Conference, 2011
Evaluation of level-of-service measures for two-lane highways with a simulation model
AH Ghods, FF Saccomanno
Transportation Research Record 2553 (1), 20-28, 2016
An Intelligent Traffic Management System Based on the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Sensing and Data Clustering
HH Afshari, S Jalali, AH Ghods, B Raahemi
Proceedings of the Future Technologies Conference (FTC) 2018: Volume 1, 298-312, 2019
Development of a positioning technique for traffic data collection using wireless signal scanners
S Mohammadi, K Ismail, AH Ghods
Transportation research record 2674 (5), 637-648, 2020
Microscopic overtaking simulation model for rural two-lane highways
A Ghods, ITE District
University of Waterloo, 2013
Safety implications of truck/car speed limits for two-lane highway operations
AH Ghods, F Saccomanno
Transportation Research Board 92nd Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2013
TRA-963: Evaluation of using WIFI signals to estimate intersection travel time
S Shiravi, K Hossain, L Fu, A Ghods
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