Joshua Tarbutton
Joshua Tarbutton
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering UNCC, CPM, EPIC
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Electric poling-assisted additive manufacturing process for PVDF polymer-based piezoelectric device applications
CB Lee, JA Tarbutton
Smart materials and structures 23 (9), 095044, 2014
Integrated robotic 3D printing system for printing of fiber reinforced parts
MJL Van Tooren, Z Gurdal, J Tarbutton, R Harik
US Patent 10,814,607, 2020
Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) direct printing for sensors and actuators
CB Lee, JA Tarbutton
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 104 (5), 3155 …, 2019
Cross-coupling effect of large range XY nanopositioning stage fabricated by stereolithography process
CB Lee, CK Stepanick, SK Lee, JA Tarbutton
Precision Engineering 46, 81-87, 2016
Multi-offset ground-penetrating radar imaging of a lab-scale infiltration test
AR Mangel, SMJ Moysey, JC Ryan, JA Tarbutton
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 16 (11), 4009-4022, 2012
Novel design and sensitivity analysis of displacement measurement system utilizing knife edge diffraction for nanopositioning stages
CB Lee, SK Lee, JA Tarbutton
Review of Scientific Instruments 85 (9), 2014
Strain characteristics of additive manufactured polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) actuators
ED Burnham-Fay, T Le, JA Tarbutton, JD Ellis
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 266, 85-92, 2017
Electric poling-assisted additive manufacturing process for lead-free piezoelectric device fabrication
CB Lee, JA Tarbutton
Procedia Manufacturing 1, 320-326, 2015
Gouge-free voxel-based machining for parallel processors
J Tarbutton, TR Kurfess, T Tucker, D Konobrytskyi
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 69, 1941-1953, 2013
Additive manufacturing of single-And double-layer piezoelectric PVDF-TrFE copolymer sensors
M Marandi, J Tarbutton
Procedia Manufacturing 34, 666-671, 2019
Assessing additive manufacturing processes with X-ray CT metrology
H Villarraga, C Lee, T Corbett, JA Tarbutton, ST Smith
ASPE spring topical meeting: achieving precision tolerances in additive …, 2015
Positioning control effectiveness of optical knife edge displacement sensor-embedded monolithic precision stage
CB Lee, SK Lee, JA Tarbutton
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 233, 390-396, 2015
Compliance and control characteristics of an additive manufactured-flexure stage
CB Lee, JA Tarbutton
Review of Scientific Instruments 86 (4), 2015
Graphics based path planning for multi-axis machine tools
JA Tarbutton, TR Kurfess, TM Tucker
Computer-Aided Design and Applications 7 (6), 835-845, 2010
Iso-scallop tool path building algorithm “based on tool performance metric” for generalized cutter and arbitrary milling zones in 3-axis CNC milling of free-form triangular …
A Balabokhin, J Tarbutton
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 28, 565-572, 2017
Investigation of optical knife edge sensor for low-cost, large-range and dual-axis nanopositioning stages
CB Lee, S Jeon, CK Stepanick, A Zolfaghari, JA Tarbutton
Measurement 103, 157-164, 2017
Novel Additive Manufacturing-Based Electric Poling Process of PVDF Polymer for Piezoelectric Device Applications
J Tarbutton, C Lee
US Patent App. 14/718,648, 2016
Identification of mechanical and fatigue characteristics of polymers fabricated by additive manufacturing process
T Corbett, T Kok, C Lee, J Tarbutton
ASPE Spring Topical Meeting 57, 186-189, 2014
5-Axis tool path planning based on highly parallel discrete volumetric geometry representation: Part I contact point generation
D Konobrytskyi, MM Hossain, TM Tucker, JA Tarbutton, TR Kurfess
Computer-Aided Design and Applications 15 (1), 76-89, 2018
Characterization of 3D printed piezoelectric sensors: Determiniation of d33 piezoelectric coefficient for 3D printed polyvinylidene fluoride sensors
MB Kirkpatrick, JA Tarbutton, T Le, CB Lee
2016 IEEE SENSORS, 1-3, 2016
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