Zhang Xin
Zhang Xin
Zhejiang University, Professor of stability and safety of Power Electronics Systems
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Blockchain for Future Smart Grid: A Comprehensive Survey
LY Muhammad Baqer Mollah, Jun Zhao, Dusit Niyato, Kwok-Yan Lam, Xin Zhang ...
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, In press, 2020
Harmonic State-Space Based Small-Signal Impedance Modeling of Modular Multilevel Converter with Consideration of Internal Harmonic Dynamics
J Lyu, X Zhang, XCM Molinas
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2018
Improvement of Frequency Regulation in VSG-Based AC Microgrid via Adaptive Virtual Inertia
X Hou, Y Sun, X Zhang, etal
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, In press, 2019
Impedance-based local stability criterion for DC distributed power systems
X Zhang, X Ruan, KT Chi
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 62 (3), 916-925, 2015
Improving the stability of cascaded DC/DC converter systems via shaping the input impedance of the load converter with a parallel or series virtual impedance
X Zhang, X Ruan, QC Zhong
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 62 (12), 7499-7512, 2015
Adaptive active capacitor converter for improving stability of cascaded DC power supply system
X Zhang, X Ruan, H Kim, KT Chi
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 28 (4), 1807-1816, 2012
A review of studies applying machine learning models to predict occupancy and window-opening behaviours in smart buildings
X Dai, J Liu, X Zhang
Energy and Buildings 223, 110159, 2020
Distributed Hierarchical Control of AC Microgrid Operating in Grid-Connected, Islanded and Their Transition Modes
X Hou, Y Sun, J Lu, X Zhang, LH Koh, M Su, JM Guerrero
IEEE Access 6 (77388 - 77401), 2018
Dynamic task allocation in multi-robot coordination for moving target tracking: A distributed approach
L Jin, S Li, H La, X Zhang
Automatica, 2018
Robust Circuit Parameters Design for the CLLC-Type DC Transformer in the Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid
J Huang, X Zhang, ZS etal
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2018
Source-side series-virtual-impedance control strategy to stabilize the cascaded system with improved performance
X Zhang, QC Zhong, WL Ming
Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2016 IEEE, 1-6, 2016
Source-side series-virtual-impedance control to improve the cascaded system stability and the dynamic performance of its source converter
X Zhang, QC Zhong, V Kadirkamanathan, J He, J Huang
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 34 (6), 5854-5866, 2018
Imbalance Current Analysis and Its Suppression Methodology for Parallel SiC MOSFETs With Aid of a Differential Mode Choke
Z Zeng, X Zhang, Z Zhang
IEEE transactions on industrial Electronics, In press, 2019
Stabilization of a cascaded DC converter system via adding a virtual adaptive parallel impedance to the input of the load converter
X Zhang, QC Zhong, WL Ming
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 31 (3), 1826-1832, 2015
AI Algorithm Based Two-stage Optimal Design Methodology of High-efficiency CLLC Resonant Converters for the Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid Applications
B Zhao, X Zhang, J Huang
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics, In press, 2019
A Novel Semi-supervised Data-driven Method for Chiller Fault Diagnosis with Unlabeled Data
B Li, X Zhang, F Cheng, W Cai
Applied Energy, in press, 2021
Optimization Design and Control of Single-Stage Single-Phase Photovoltaic Inverter for MPPT Improvement
G Bin, S Mei, S Yao, H Hui, X Zhang, J Poh
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, In press, 2020
Layout-Dominated Dynamic Current Imbalance in Multichip Power Module: Mechanism Modeling and Comparative Evaluation
Z Zheng, X Zhang, L Xiaolin
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, In press, 2019
A semi-supervised approach to fault detection and diagnosis for building HVAC systems based on the modified generative adversarial network
B xu, F Cheng, H Cai, X Zhang, W Cai
Energy and Buildings, In Press, 2021
Stabilization of cascaded DC/DC converters via adaptive series-virtual-impedance control of the load converter
X Zhang, QC Zhong, WL Ming
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 31 (9), 6057-6063, 2016
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