Youngil Kim
Youngil Kim
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society, Oregon State
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Thermal imaging in plant and ecosystem ecology: applications and challenges
C Still, R Powell, D Aubrecht, Y Kim, B Helliker, D Roberts, ...
Ecosphere 10 (6), e02768, 2019
Tropical forest temperature thresholds for gross primary productivity
S Pau, M Detto, Y Kim, CJ Still
Ecosphere 9 (7), e02311, 2018
Evaluating drought effect on MODIS Gross Primary Production (GPP) with an eco‐hydrological model in the mountainous forest, East Asia
T Hwang, S Kang, J Kim, Y Kim, D Lee, L Band
Global Change Biology 14 (5), 1037-1056, 2008
Canopy skin temperature variations in relation to climate, soil temperature, and carbon flux at a ponderosa pine forest in central Oregon
Y Kim, CJ Still, CV Hanson, H Kwon, BT Greer, BE Law
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 226, 161-173, 2016
No evidence of canopy-scale leaf thermoregulation to cool leaves below air temperature across a range of forest ecosystems
CJ Still, G Page, B Rastogi, DM Griffith, DM Aubrecht, Y Kim, SP Burns, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (38), e2205682119, 2022
Thermal infrared imaging of conifer leaf temperatures: Comparison to thermocouple measurements and assessment of environmental influences
Y Kim, CJ Still, DA Roberts, ML Goulden
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 248, 361-371, 2018
Modelling carbon dynamics and response to environmental change along a boreal fen nutrient gradient
KL Webster, JW McLaughlin, Y Kim, MS Packalen, CS Li
Ecological Modelling 248, 148-164, 2013
Dissolved organic carbon and total dissolved nitrogen production by boreal soils and litter: the role of flooding, oxygen concentration, and temperature
Y Kim, S Ullah, TR Moore, NT Roulet
Biogeochemistry 118, 35-48, 2014
Effect of inundation, oxygen and temperature on carbon mineralization in boreal ecosystems
Y Kim, S Ullah, NT Roulet, TR Moore
Science of the total environment 511, 381-392, 2015
Modelling CO2 emissions from water surface of a boreal hydroelectric reservoir
W Wang, NT Roulet, Y Kim, IB Strachan, P Del Giorgio, YT Prairie, ...
Science of the Total Environment 612, 392-404, 2018
Thermal imaging in plant and ecosystem ecology: applications and challenges, Ecosphere, 10, e02768
C Still, R Powell, D Aubrecht, Y Kim, B Helliker, D Roberts, ...
Investigating old‐growth ponderosa pine physiology using tree‐rings, δ13C, δ18O, and a process‐based model
DEM Ulrich, C Still, JR Brooks, Y Kim, FC Meinzer
Ecology 100 (6), e02656, 2019
Tropical forest temperature thresholds for gross primary productivity, Ecosphere, 9, e02311
S Pau, M Detto, Y Kim, CJ Still
Simulating carbon dioxide exchange in boreal ecosystems flooded by reservoirs
Y Kim, NT Roulet, C Li, S Frolking, IB Strachan, C Peng, CR Teodoru, ...
Ecological Modelling 327, 1-17, 2016
Errors of MODIS product of Gross Primary Production by using Data Assimilation Office Meteorological Data
S Kang, Y Kim, Y Kim
Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 7, 171–183, 2005
Linking tree physiological constraints with predictions of carbon and water fluxes at an old-growth coniferous forest
Y Jiang, JB Kim, AT Trugman, Y Kim, CJ Still
Ecosphere 10, e02692, 2019
Enhancing the reliability of MODIS Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) by improving input data
Y Kim, S Kang, J Kim
Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 9, 132-139, 2007
Multi-Year carbon dioxide flux simulations for mature Canadian black spruce forests and ombrotrophic bogs using Forest-DnDc
Y Kim, NT Roulet, G Peng, C Li, S Frolking, IB Strachan, A Tremblay
Boreal environment research 19 (5-6), 417, 2014
Inter-annual and inter-plot variations of wood biomass production as related to biotic and abiotic characteristics at a deciduous forest in complex terrain, Korea
Y Kim, S Kang, JH Lim, D Lee, J Kim
Ecological research 25, 757-769, 2010
Introducing a sensor to measure budburst and its environmental drivers
GJ Kleinknecht, HE Lintz, A Kruger, JJ Niemeier, MJ Salino-Hugg, ...
Frontiers in plant science 6, 123, 2015
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