Lars Lindvold
Lars Lindvold
DTU Electro, department of Electrical and Photonics Engineering
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Localized biosensing with Topas microstructured polymer optical fiber
G Emiliyanov, JB Jensen, O Bang, PE Hoiby, LH Pedersen, EM Kjær, ...
Optics Letters 32 (5), 460-462, 2007
Reverse-symmetry waveguides: theory and fabrication
R Horváth, LR Lindvold, NB Larsen
Applied Physics B 74, 383-393, 2002
Temperature variations as a source of uncertainty in medical fiber-coupled organic plastic scintillator dosimetry
S Buranurak, CE Andersen, AR Beierholm, LR Lindvold
Radiation Measurements 56, 307-311, 2013
A comparison of BCF-12 organic scintillators and Al2O3: C crystals for real-time medical dosimetry
AR Beierholm, CE Andersen, LR Lindvold, F Kjær-Kristoffersen, J Medin
Radiation Measurements 43 (2-6), 898-903, 2008
Fabrication of all-polymer freestanding waveguides
R Horváth, LR Lindvold, NB Larsen
Journal of micromechanics and microengineering 13 (3), 419, 2003
Optical measurement method and apparatus which determine a condition based on quasi-elastic-interaction
L Lading, SG Hanson, L Lindvold
US Patent 6,323,949, 2001
Effect of patterns and inhomogeneities on the surface of waveguides used for optical waveguide lightmode spectroscopy applications
R Horvath, J Vörös, R Graf, G Fricsovszky, M Textor, LR Lindvold, ...
Applied Physics B 72, 441-447, 2001
Superradiant properties of 4, 4′-bis (1H-phenanthro [9, 10-d] imidazol-2-yl) biphenyl and how a laser dye with exceptional stability can be obtained in only one synthetic step
FC Krebs, LR Lindvold, M Jørgensen
Tetrahedron Letters 42 (38), 6753-6757, 2001
Characterizing a pulse-resolved dosimetry system for complex radiotherapy beams using organic scintillators
AR Beierholm, RO Ottosson, LR Lindvold, CF Behrens, CE Andersen
Physics in Medicine & Biology 56 (10), 3033, 2011
Dosimetry in clinical static magnetic fields using plastic scintillation detectors
S Stefanowicz, H Latzel, LR Lindvold, CE Andersen, O Jäkel, S Greilich
Radiation measurements 56, 357-360, 2013
Detection of a substance by refractive index change
L Lading, L Lindvold
US Patent 6,493,090, 2002
Optimization of laboratory illumination in optical dating
R Sohbati, A Murray, L Lindvold, JP Buylaert, M Jain
Quaternary Geochronology 39, 105-111, 2017
Photoanisotropic incoherent-to-coherent converter using a bacteriorhodopsin thin film
H Imam, LR Lindvold, PS Ramanujam
Optics letters 20 (2), 225-227, 1995
Transformation of image positions, rotations, and sizes into shift parameters
AS Jensen, L Lindvold, E Rasmussen
Applied optics 26 (9), 1775-1781, 1987
Localized biosensing with TOPAS microstructured polymer optical fiber: Erratum
G Emiliyanov, JB Jensen, O Bang, PE Hoiby, LH Pedersen, EM Kjær, ...
Optics letters 32 (9), 1059-1059, 2007
The use of bacteriorhodopsin in optical processing: a review
L Lindvold, PS Ramanujam
J. Sci. Ind. Res. 54 (1), 55-66, 1995
Guided-mode resonance on pedestal and half-buried high-contrast gratings for biosensing applications
G Finco, MZ Bideskan, L Vertchenko, LY Beliaev, R Malureanu, ...
Nanophotonics 10 (17), 4289-4296, 2021
Future memory storage technology: protein-based memory devices may facilitate surpassing Moore's law
V Renugopalakrishnan, S Khizroev, H Anand, L Pingzuo, L Lindvold
IEEE transactions on magnetics 43 (2), 773-775, 2007
Room‐Temperature, High‐SNR Upconversion Spectrometer in the 6–12 µm Region
PJ Rodrigo, L Høgstedt, SMM Friis, LR Lindvold, ...
Laser & Photonics Reviews 15 (3), 2000443, 2021
Roll-to-plate fabrication of microfluidic devices with rheology-modified thiol-ene resins
S Senkbeil, J Aho, L Yde, LR Lindvold, JF Stensborg, J Rantanen, ...
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 26 (7), 075014, 2016
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