John F. Niven
John F. Niven
PhD Physicist
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High thermal conductivities of carbon nanotube films and micro-fibres and their dependence on morphology
TS Gspann, SM Juckes, JF Niven, MB Johnson, JA Elliott, MA White, ...
Carbon 114, 160-168, 2017
Influence of annealing on thermal and electrical properties of carbon nanotube yarns
JF Niven, MB Johnson, SM Juckes, MA White, NT Alvarez, V Shanov
Carbon 99, 485-490, 2016
Thermal conductivity of bulk boron nitride nanotube sheets and their epoxy‐impregnated composites
MB Jakubinek, JF Niven, MB Johnson, B Ashrafi, KS Kim, B Simard, ...
physica status solidi (a) 213 (8), 2237-2242, 2016
Thermal conductivity of (ErY)TiO pyrochlore oxide solid solutions
C Bryan, CA Whitman, MB Johnson, JF Niven, P Murray, A Bourque, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (5), 054303, 2012
Magnetic phase transitions and magnetic entropy in the XY antiferromagnetic pyrochlores (Er1−xYx)2Ti2O7
JF Niven, MB Johnson, A Bourque, PJ Murray, DD James, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering …, 2014
Asymptotic regimes in elastohydrodynamic and stochastic leveling on a viscous film
C Pedersen, JF Niven, T Salez, K Dalnoki-Veress, A Carlson
Physical Review Fluids 4 (12), 124003, 2019
Symmetrization of thin freestanding liquid films via a capillary-driven flow
V Bertin, J Niven, HA Stone, T Salez, E Raphael, K Dalnoki-Veress
Physical Review Letters 124 (18), 184502, 2020
Influence of guest loading on thermal properties of NaxSi136 clathrates
AD Ritchie, MB Johnson, JF Niven, M Beekman, GS Nolas, J Gryko, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25 (43), 435401, 2013
The emergence of local wrinkling or global buckling in thin freestanding bilayer films
JF Niven, G Chowdhry, JS Sharp, K Dalnoki-Veress
The European Physical Journal E 43, 1-7, 2020
Liquid dewetting under a thin elastic film
RD Schulman, JF Niven, MA Hack, C DiMaria, K Dalnoki-Veress
Soft matter 14 (18), 3557-3562, 2018
Elastocapillary Wetting: Square Holes and Square Droplets
R Schulman, J Niven, M Hack, C DiMaria, K Dalnoki-Veress
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2018, B54. 001, 2018
Unstable Systems of Viscous and Elastic Polymer Thin Films
J Niven
Beyond the lubrication approximation: capillary levelling of holes in freestanding polymer films
J Niven, V Bertin, T Salez, E Raphael, K Dalnoki-Veress
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2019, P49. 007, 2019
Capillary Levelling of a Liquid Stepped Film Supported on an Immiscible Liquid Film
C Lee, V Bertin, J Niven, T Salez, E Raphael, K Dalnoki-Veress
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2018, X55. 002, 2018
Surface wrinkling of a rigid capping layer on a freestanding thin elastic film
J Niven, G Chowdhry, K Dalnoki-Veress
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2018, C48. 003, 2018
Capillary Levelling of Cylindrical Holes in Freestanding Polymer Films
J Niven, P Fowler, T Salez, H Stone, K Dalnoki-Veress
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2017, X10. 003, 2017
Physical Properties of Nanotube Materials
J Niven
Electrical properties of carbon nanotube yarns
JF Niven
2013 Atlantic Universities Physics & Astronomy Conference, 2013
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