Mikael Weissmann
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Will Trump make China great again? The belt and road initiative and international order
AHM Nordin, M Weissmann
International Affairs 94 (2), 231-249, 2018
Conflict, Conflict Prevention and Conflict Management and beyond: a conceptual exploration
NLP Swanström, MS Weissmann
Central Asia–Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program, Uppsala …, 2005
Chinese Foreign Policy in a Global Perspective: A Responsible Reformer" Striving For Achievement"
M Weissmann
Journal of China and International relations 3 (1), 2015
The South China Sea conflict and Sino-ASEAN relations: A study in conflict prevention and peace building
M Weissmann
Asian Perspective 34 (3), 35-69, 2010
The East Asian Peace
M Weissmann
Palgrave Macmillan, 2012
Hybrid warfare: Security and asymmetric conflict in international relations
M Weissmann, N Nilsson, B Palmertz, P Thunholm
Bloomsbury Academic, 2021
Hybrid warfare and hybrid threats today and tomorrow: towards an analytical framework
M Weissmann
Journal on Baltic Security 5 (1), 17-26, 2019
China and Russia: a study on cooperation, competition and distrust
M Carlsson, S Oxenstierna, M Weissmann
Försvarsanalys, Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut (FOI), 2015
Sanctions reconsidered: The path forward with North Korea
M Weissmann, L Hagström
The Washington Quarterly 39 (3), 61-76, 2016
Conflict, conflict prevention, conflict management and beyond: A conceptual exploration. Concept paper
NL Swanström, MS Weissmann
Central Asia-Caucasus Institute and Silk Road Studies Program, Johns Hopkins …, 2005
Conceptualizing and countering hybrid threats and hybrid warfare: The role of the military in the grey zone
M Weissmann
IB Tauris, 2021
Understanding power (shift) in East Asia: the Sino-US narrative battle about leadership in the South China Sea
M Weissmann
Asian Perspective 43 (2), 223-248, 2019
The Missing Link: bridging between social movement theory and conflict resolution
M Weissmann
Centre for the Study of Globalization and Regionalisation, University of Warwick, 2008
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most offensive of them all?–Explaining the offensive bias in military tactical thinking
M Weissmann, P Ahlström
Defence Studies 19 (2), 170-188, 2019
The South China Sea: Still no war on the horizon
M Weissmann
Asian Survey 55 (3), 596-617, 2015
Security challenges in the grey zone: Hybrid threats and hybrid warfare
N Nilsson, M Weissmann, B Palmertz, P Thunholm, H Häggström
IB Tauris, 2021
A European Strategy towards East Asia: moving from good intentions to action
M Weissmann
Informal Networks as a Conflict Preventive Mechanis
M Weissmann
Central Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program, Washington …, 2005
Chinese influence on the DPRK negotiations
N Swanström, M Weissmann
Peace Review 16 (2), 219-224, 2004
Understanding the East Asian Peace: Informal and formal conflict prevention and peacebuilding in the Taiwan Strait, the Korean Peninsula, and the South China Sea 1990-2008
M Weissmann
School of Global Studies, Peace and Development Research; Institutionen för …, 2009
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