Tobias Ahsbahs
Tobias Ahsbahs
EMD International
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Wind farm wakes from SAR and doppler radar
T Ahsbahs, NG Nygaard, A Newcombe, M Badger
Remote Sensing 12 (3), 462, 2020
Validation of Sentinel-1A SAR Coastal Wind Speeds Against Scanning LiDAR
T Ahsbahs, M Badger, I Karagali, XG Larsén
Remote Sensing 9 (6), 552, 2017
Europe's offshore winds assessed with synthetic aperture radar, ASCAT and WRF
CB Hasager, AN Hahmann, T Ahsbahs, I Karagali, T Sile, M Badger, ...
Wind Energy Science 5 (1), 375-390, 2020
Applications of satellite winds for the offshore wind farm site Anholt
T Ahsbahs, M Badger, P Volker, KS Hansen, CB Hasager
Wind Energy Science 3 (2), 573-588, 2018
US East Coast synthetic aperture radar wind atlas for offshore wind energy
T Ahsbahs, G Maclaurin, C Draxl, C Jackson, F Monaldo, M Badger
Wind Energy Science, 2020
Inter-calibration of SAR data series for offshore wind resource assessment
M Badger, T Ahsbahs, P Maule, I Karagali
Remote Sensing of Environment 232, 111316, 2019
Report on RUNE’s coastal experiment and first inter-comparisons between measurements systems
RR Floors, G Lea, AP Diaz, I Karagali, TT Ahsbahs
DTU Wind Energy, 2016
The New Worldwide Microscale Wind Resource Assessment Data on IRENA's Global Atlas
J Badger, N Davis, AN Hahmann, BT Olsen, XG Larsén, MC Kelly, ...
The EUDP Global Wind Atlas, 2015
The new worldwide microscale wind resource assessment data on IRENA’s Global Atlas. The EUDP Global Wind Atlas
J Badger, N Davis, AN Hahmann, BT Olsen, XG Larsén, MC Kelly, ...
EWEA Technology Workshop: Resource Assessment 2015, 2015
Anholt offshore wind farm wake investigated from satellite data and wake models
CB Hasager, M Badger, KS Hansen, AP Diaz, S Ott, P Volker, ...
Offshore Wind Energy Conference, 2017
Offshore winds from a new generation of European satellites
M Badger, I Karagali, TT Ahsbahs, CB Hasager
Wind Energy Science Conference 2017, 2017
Ocean wind retrieval from Sentinel-1 SAR and its potential for offshore wind energy
M Badger, T Ahsbahs, C Hasager, I Karagali
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 20, 12183, 2018
Remote Sensing of Offshore Winds for Wind Energy Applications
TT Ahsbahs
Technical University of Denmark, 2018
SAR Wind Maps and Derived Products: New Possibilities for Offshore Wind Energy Exploitation
M Badger, TT Ahsbahs, I Karagali, CB Hasager
Seasar2018-advance in sar oceanography, 2018
Comparisons of winds from satellite SAR, WRF and SCADA to characterize coastal gradients and wind farm wake effects at Anholt wind farm
CB Hasager, TT Ahsbahs, M Badger, KS Hansen, P Volker
Vindkraftnet meeting, 2018
Using SAR for Characterization of Offshore Wind Farm Wakes and Coastal Wind Speed Gradients
CB Hasager, TT Ahsbahs, M Badger, KS Hansen, P Volker
Seasar2018-advance in sar oceanography, 2018
Reducing the uncertainty in wind speed estimations near the coast
R Floors, AN Hahmann, I Karagali, N Vasiljevic, G Lea, E Simon, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 18, 15106, 2016
Synthetic Aperture Radar for wind energy applications: potential and challenges at high wind speeds
M Badger, XG Larsén, CB Hasager, TT Ahsbahs, AN Hahmann, AP Diaz, ...
International workshop on measuring high wind speeds over the ocean, 2016
Coastal wind study based on Sentinel-1 and ground-based scanning lidar
T Ahsbahs, M Badger, A Peña, CB Hasager
ESA Living Planet Symposium 2016, 2016
Remote Sensing of Offshore Winds for Wind Energy Applications
TT Ahsbahs
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