Ankush Acharyya
Ankush Acharyya
Assistant Professor, NIT DURGAPUR
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Handwritten word recognition using MLP based classifier: a holistic approach
A Acharyya, S Rakshit, R Sarkar, S Basu, M Nasipuri
International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI) 10 (2 Part 2), 422, 2013
Variations of largest rectangle recognition amidst a bichromatic point set
A Acharyya, M De, SC Nandy, S Pandit
Discrete Applied Mathematics 286, 35-50, 2020
Minimum Width Color Spanning Annulus
A Acharyya, SC Nandy, S Roy
International Computing and Combinatorics Conference, 431-442, 2016
Covering segments with unit squares
A Acharyya, SC Nandy, S Pandit, S Roy
Computational Geometry 79, 1-13, 2019
Covering segments with unit squares
A Acharyya, SC Nandy, S Pandit, S Roy
Algorithms and Data Structures: 15th International Symposium, WADS 2017, St …, 2017
Minimum color spanning circle of imprecise points
A Acharyya, RK Jallu, V Keikha, M Löffler, M Saumell
Theoretical Computer Science 930, 116-127, 2022
Range Assignment of Base-Stations Maximizing Coverage Area without Interference
A Acharyya, M De, SC Nandy
Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, 126-131, 2017
Color-spanning localized query
A Acharyya, A Maheshwari, SC Nandy
Theoretical Computer Science 861, 85-101, 2021
Minimum color spanning circle in imprecise setup
A Acharyya, RK Jallu, V Keikha, M Löffler, M Saumell
International Computing and Combinatorics Conference, 257-268, 2021
Constrained Hitting Set Problem with Intervals
A Acharyya, V Keikha, D Majumdar, S Pandit
Computing and Combinatorics: 27th International Conference, COCOON 2021 …, 2021
Constrained hitting set problem with intervals: Hardness, FPT and approximation algorithms
A Acharyya, V Keikha, D Majumdar, S Pandit
Theoretical Computer Science 990, 114402, 2024
Computing Largest Minimum Color-Spanning Intervals of Imprecise Points
A Acharyya, V Keikha, M Saumell, RI Silveira
Latin American Symposium on Theoretical Informatics, 81-96, 2024
Terrain prickliness: theoretical grounds for high complexity viewsheds
A Acharyya, M Löffler, GGT Meijer, M Saumell, RI Silveira, F Staals
arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.06696, 2021
Terrain prickliness: theoretical grounds for low complexity viewsheds
A Acharyya, R Jallu, M Löffler, G Meijer, M Saumell Mendiola, RI Silveira, ...
37th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG 2021): Saint …, 2021
Localized Query: Color Spanning Variations
A Acharyya, A Maheshwari, SC Nandy
Algorithms and Discrete Applied Mathematics: 5th International Conference …, 2019
Color Spanning Annulus: Square, Rectangle and Equilateral Triangle
A Acharyya, SC Nandy, S Roy
arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.04148, 2016
Covering segments with axis-parallel unit squares.
A Acharyya, SC Nandy, S Pandit, S Roy
arXiv preprint arXiv:1607.07256, 2016
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