Paul Fleming
Paul Fleming
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Wind plant power optimization through yaw control using a parametric model for wake effects—a CFD simulation study
PMO Gebraad, FW Teeuwisse, JW Van Wingerden, PA Fleming, ...
Wind Energy 19 (1), 95-114, 2016
Evaluating techniques for redirecting turbine wakes using SOWFA
PA Fleming, PMO Gebraad, S Lee, JW van Wingerden, K Johnson, ...
Renewable Energy 70, 211-218, 2014
Simulation comparison of wake mitigation control strategies for a two‐turbine case
P Fleming, PMO Gebraad, S Lee, JW van Wingerden, K Johnson, ...
Wind Energy 18 (12), 2135-2143, 2015
A tutorial of wind turbine control for supporting grid frequency through active power control
J Aho, A Buckspan, J Laks, P Fleming, Y Jeong, F Dunne, M Churchfield, ...
2012 American Control Conference (ACC), 3120-3131, 2012
Field test of wake steering at an offshore wind farm
P Fleming, J Annoni, JJ Shah, L Wang, S Ananthan, Z Zhang, K Hutchings, ...
Wind Energy Science 2 (1), 229-239, 2017
A tutorial on control-oriented modeling and control of wind farms
S Boersma, BM Doekemeijer, PMO Gebraad, PA Fleming, J Annoni, ...
2017 American control conference (ACC), 1-18, 2017
Maximization of the annual energy production of wind power plants by optimization of layout and yaw‐based wake control
P Gebraad, JJ Thomas, A Ning, P Fleming, K Dykes
Wind Energy 20 (1), 97-107, 2017
Initial results from a field campaign of wake steering applied at a commercial wind farm–Part 1
P Fleming, J King, K Dykes, E Simley, J Roadman, A Scholbrock, ...
Wind Energy Science 4 (2), 273-285, 2019
Wind plant system engineering through optimization of layout and yaw control
PA Fleming, A Ning, PMO Gebraad, K Dykes
Wind Energy 19 (2), 329-344, 2016
Analysis of axial‐induction‐based wind plant control using an engineering and a high‐order wind plant model
J Annoni, PMO Gebraad, AK Scholbrock, PA Fleming, JW Wingerden
Wind Energy 19 (6), 1135-1150, 2016
Use of SCADA data for failure detection in wind turbines
K Kim, G Parthasarathy, O Uluyol, W Foslien, S Sheng, P Fleming
Energy sustainability 54686, 2071-2079, 2011
The aerodynamics of the curled wake: a simplified model in view of flow control
LA Martínez-Tossas, J Annoni, PA Fleming, MJ Churchfield
Wind Energy Science 4 (1), 127-138, 2019
Wind farm flow control: prospects and challenges
J Meyers, C Bottasso, K Dykes, P Fleming, P Gebraad, G Giebel, ...
Wind Energy Science Discussions 2022, 1-56, 2022
Active power controls from wind power: Bridging the gaps
E Ela, V Gevorgian, P Fleming, YC Zhang, M Singh, E Muljadi, ...
National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2014
Using machine learning to predict wind turbine power output
A Clifton, L Kilcher, JK Lundquist, P Fleming
Environmental research letters 8 (2), 024009, 2013
Analysis of control-oriented wake modeling tools using lidar field results
J Annoni, P Fleming, A Scholbrock, J Roadman, S Dana, C Adcock, ...
Wind Energy Science 3 (2), 819-831, 2018
Field-test results using a nacelle-mounted lidar for improving wind turbine power capture by reducing yaw misalignment
PA Fleming, AK Scholbrock, A Jehu, S Davoust, E Osler, AD Wright, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 524 (1), 012002, 2014
Control-oriented model for secondary effects of wake steering
J King, P Fleming, R King, LA Martínez-Tossas, CJ Bay, R Mudafort, ...
Wind Energy Science 6 (3), 701-714, 2021
A simulation study demonstrating the importance of large-scale trailing vortices in wake steering
P Fleming, J Annoni, M Churchfield, LA Martinez-Tossas, K Gruchalla, ...
Wind Energy Science 3 (1), 243-255, 2018
Torque control of friction stir welding for manufacturing and automation
WR Longhurst, AM Strauss, GE Cook, PA Fleming
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 51, 905-913, 2010
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