Lluisa Arroyo
Lluisa Arroyo
Natural History Museum of Barcelona
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Cited by
An evaluation of monk parakeet damage to crops in the metropolitan area of Barcelona
JC Senar, J Domènech, L Arroyo, I Torre, O Gordo
Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 39 (1), 141-145, 2016
The reproductive capacity of Monk Parakeets Myiopsitta monachus is higher in their invasive range
JC Senar, JG Carrillo-Ortiz, A Ortega-Segalerva, FSE Dawson Pell, ...
Bird Study 66 (1), 136-140, 2019
Estima de la abundancia de palomas (Columba livia var.) de la ciudad de Barcelona y valoración de la efectividad del control por eliminación de individuos.
JC Senar, J Carrillo, L Arroyo, T Montalvo, V Peracho
Arxius de Miscel· lània Zoològica 7, 62-71, 2009
Diet assessments as a tool to control invasive species: comparison between Monk and Rose-ringed parakeets with stable isotopes
NA Borray-Escalante, D Mazzoni, A Ortega-Segalerva, L Arroyo, ...
Journal of Urban Ecology 6 (1), juaa005, 2020
Numbered neck collars for long‐distance identification of parakeets
J Carlos Senar, J Carrillo‐Ortiz, L Arroyo
Journal of Field Ornithology 83 (2), 180-185, 2012
Familiarity adds to attractiveness in matters of siskin mate choice
JC Senar, F Mateos-Gonzalez, F Uribe, L Arroyo
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280 (1773), 20132361, 2013
Dietary plasticity in an invasive species and implications for management: the case of the monk parakeet in a Mediterranean city
JL Postigo, J Carrillo-Ortiz, J Domènech, X Tomàs, L Arroyo, JC Senar
Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 44 (2), 185-194, 2021
Cotorra de pit gris Myiopsitta monachus
JC Senar, T Montalvo, J Pascual, L Arroyo
Atles dels ocells nidificants de Barcelona 136, 137, 2017
Estimating age‐dependent survival when juveniles resemble females: Invasive ring‐necked parakeets as an example
JC Senar, L Arroyo, A Ortega‐Segalerva, JG Carrillo, X Tomás, ...
Ecology and evolution 9 (2), 891-898, 2019
Cotorra de kramer Psittacula krameri
JC Senar, T Montalvo, J Pascual, L Arroyo
Atles dels ocells nidificants de Barcelona 128, 129, 2017
The diet of Monk Parakeet Myiopsitta monachus nestlings in an urban area: a study using stable isotopes
D Mazzoni, J Pascual, L Arroyo, T Montalvo, J González-Solís, JC Senar
Bird study 68 (4), 455-461, 2021
Diet to tissue discrimination factors for the blood and feathers of the monk parakeet (Myiopsitta monachus) and the ring–necked parakeet (Psittacula krameri)
D Mazzoni, NA Borray–Escalante, A Ortega–Segalerva, L Arroyo, ...
Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 42 (2), 389-395, 2019
Rewinding the invasion history of monk parakeets in Barcelona city: 1976-2022
NA Borray-Escalante, Z Nuñez-Tobajas, X Batllori, D Santos, J Clavell, ...
Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 47 (1), 101-111, 2024
Estructura genética de los carboneros en Barcelona: cada parque un reino.
JC Senar, L Arroyo, I Ruiz, M Björklund
Quercus, 46-47, 2010
Arxius de Miscel· lània Zoològica
JC Senar, JG Carrillo-Ortiz, L Arroyo, T Montalvo, V Peracho
Compartir 30, 04, 2009
Comunicarse a través del plumaje
JC Senar, L Arroyo
Garcilla, La, 16-19, 2005
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Articles 1–16