Chor Seng Tan
Chor Seng Tan
Institute for Infocomm Research
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> 10% solar-to-hydrogen efficiency unassisted water splitting on ALD-protected silicon heterojunction solar cells
CS Tan, KW Kemp, MR Braun, AC Meng, W Tan, CED Chidsey, W Ma, ...
Sustainable Energy & Fuels 3 (6), 1490-1500, 2019
Transitioning all energy in 74 metropolitan areas, including 30 megacities, to 100% clean and renewable wind, water, and sunlight (WWS)
MZ Jacobson, AK Von Krauland, ZFM Burton, SJ Coughlin, C Jaeggli, ...
Energies 13 (18), 4934, 2020
Joint generation and bi-encoder for situated interactive multimodal conversations
X Huang, CS Tan, YB Ng, W Shi, KH Yeo, R Jiang, J Kim
AAAI 2021 DSTC9 Workshop, 2021
Simplified theoretical model for surface plasmon excitation in D-shaped fiber
H Zhang, X Yu, S Zhang, Y Zhang, CS Tan
2010 Photonics Global Conference, 1-3, 2010
On the Selection of Positive and Negative Samples for Contrastive Math Word Problem Neural Solver
Y Li, L Wang, JJ Kim, CS Tan, Y Luo
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Educational Data Mining …, 2024
Engineering Devices for Efficient and Stable Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting
CS Tan
Stanford University, 2019
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