Le Si Dang
Le Si Dang
Institut Néel
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Bose–Einstein condensation of exciton polaritons
J Kasprzak, M Richard, S Kundermann, A Baas, P Jeambrun, JMJ Keeling, ...
Nature 443 (7110), 409-414, 2006
Quantized vortices in an exciton–polariton condensate
KG Lagoudakis, M Wouters, M Richard, A Baas, I Carusotto, R André, ...
Nature physics 4 (9), 706-710, 2008
High-temperature ultrafast polariton parametric amplification in semiconductor microcavities
M Saba, C Ciuti, J Bloch, V Thierry-Mieg, R André, LS Dang, ...
Nature 414 (6865), 731-735, 2001
Stimulation of polariton photoluminescence in semiconductor microcavity
LS Dang, D Heger, R André, F Boeuf, R Romestain
Physical Review Letters 81 (18), 3920, 1998
Direct comparison of recombination dynamics in cubic and hexagonal GaN/AlN quantum dots
J Simon, NT Pelekanos, C Adelmann, E Martinez-Guerrero, R André, ...
Physical Review B 68 (3), 035312, 2003
Formation of an exciton polariton condensate: thermodynamic versus kinetic regimes
J Kasprzak, DD Solnyshkov, R André, LS Dang, G Malpuech
Physical review letters 101 (14), 146404, 2008
GaN/AlN short-period superlattices for intersubband optoelectronics: A systematic study of their epitaxial growth, design, and performance
PK Kandaswamy, F Guillot, E Bellet-Amalric, E Monroy, L Nevou, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 104 (9), 2008
Experimental evidence for nonequilibrium Bose condensation of exciton polaritons
M Richard, J Kasprzak, R André, R Romestain, LS Dang, G Malpuech, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (20), 201301, 2005
Spontaneous coherent phase transition of polaritons in CdTe microcavities
M Richard, J Kasprzak, R Romestain, R André, LS Dang
Physical review letters 94 (18), 187401, 2005
Intrinsic decoherence mechanisms in the microcavity polariton condensate
APD Love, DN Krizhanovskii, DM Whittaker, R Bouchekioua, D Sanvitto, ...
Physical Review Letters 101 (6), 067404, 2008
Growth of GaN free-standing nanowires by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy: structural and optical characterization
M Tchernycheva, C Sartel, G Cirlin, L Travers, G Patriarche, JC Harmand, ...
Nanotechnology 18 (38), 385306, 2007
Second-Order Time Correlations within a Polariton Bose-Einstein Condensate<? format?> in a CdTe Microcavity
J Kasprzak, M Richard, A Baas, B Deveaud, R André, JP Poizat, LS Dang
Physical Review Letters 100 (6), 067402, 2008
Optical detection of cyclotron resonance of electron and holes in CdTe
LS Dang, G Neu, R Romestain
Solid State Communications 44 (8), 1187-1190, 1982
Build up and pinning of linear polarization in the Bose condensates of exciton polaritons
J Kasprzak, R André, LS Dang, IA Shelykh, AV Kavokin, YG Rubo, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (4), 045326, 2007
Coexisting nonequilibrium condensates with long-range spatial coherence in semiconductor microcavities
DN Krizhanovskii, KG Lagoudakis, M Wouters, B Pietka, RA Bradley, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (4), 045317, 2009
Critical thickness in epitaxial CdTe/ZnTe
J Cibert, Y Gobil, LS Dang, S Tatarenko, G Feuillet, PH Jouneau, ...
Applied physics letters 56 (3), 292-294, 1990
Synchronized and Desynchronized Phases of Exciton-Polariton Condensates<? format?> in the Presence of Disorder
A Baas, KG Lagoudakis, M Richard, R André, LS Dang, ...
Physical review letters 100 (17), 170401, 2008
Si-doped GaN∕ AlN quantum dot superlattices for optoelectronics at telecommunication wavelengths
F Guillot, E Bellet-Amalric, E Monroy, M Tchernycheva, L Nevou, ...
Journal of applied physics 100 (4), 2006
Surfactant effect of In for AlGaN growth by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy
E Monroy, B Daudin, E Bellet-Amalric, N Gogneau, D Jalabert, F Enjalbert, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 93 (3), 1550-1556, 2003
Submicrometre resolved optical characterization of green nanowire-based light emitting diodes
AL Bavencove, G Tourbot, J Garcia, Y Désières, P Gilet, F Levy, B André, ...
Nanotechnology 22 (34), 345705, 2011
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