Javier Luzuriaga
Javier Luzuriaga
CNEA-Centro Atómico Bariloche, Retired-I. Balseiro Free Professor
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Anomalies in the internal friction and sound velocity in the high-temperature superconductor La 1.8 Sr 0.2 Cu O 4
P Esquinazi, J Luzuriaga, C Duran, DA Esparza, C D'ovidio
Physical Review B 36 (4), 2316, 1987
Interplay between pinning energy and vortex interaction in YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7− δ with oriented twin boundaries in tilted magnetic fields: Bitter decoration and tilt-modulus …
JA Herbsommer, G Nieva, J Luzuriaga
Physical Review B 62 (5), 3534, 2000
Measurements in the laminar and turbulent regime of superfluid4He by means of an oscillating sphere
J Luzuriaga
Journal of low temperature physics 108, 267-277, 1997
Flux-line response in 2H-NbSe2 investigated by means of the vibrating superconductor method
G D'Anna, MO André, W Benoit, E Rodriguez, DS Rodriguez, J Luzuriaga, ...
Physica C: Superconductivity 218 (1-2), 238-244, 1993
Logarithmic-to-nonlogarithmic flux-creep transition and magnetic-flux hardening in Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O superconducting ceramics
H Safar, C Duran, J Guimpel, L Civale, J Luzuriaga, E Rodriguez, ...
Physical Review B 40 (10), 7380, 1989
Bc1 of high-Tc La1. 8Sr0. 2CuO4 and amorphous Zr70Cu30 superconductors measured by a vibrating reed
C Duran, P Esquinazi, J Luzuriaga, EH Brandt
Physics Letters A 123 (9), 485-488, 1987
Anomalous behaviour of the vortex structure in Bi4Ca2Sr4Cu4O16+ y measured with a vibrating reed at low magnetic fields
E Rodriguez, C Duran, J Luzuriaga, F de la Cruz, C Fainstein
Physica C: Superconductivity 165 (3-4), 315-320, 1990
Annealing effects on the sound velocity and internal friction in the superconducting and normal states of the Cu 30 Zr 70 amorphous alloy
P Esquinazi, J Luzuriaga
Physical Review B 37 (13), 7819, 1988
Temperature dependence of the superconducting giant-vortex state. Theory and experiment
F De La Cruz, HJ Fink, J Luzuriaga
Physical Review B 20 (5), 1947, 1979
Magnetic relaxation induced by transverse flux shaking in MgB2 superconductors
J Luzuriaga, A Badía-Majós, G Nieva, JL Giordano, C López, A Serquis, ...
Superconductor Science and Technology 22 (1), 015021, 2008
How does a bubble chamber work?
D Konstantinov, W Homsi, J Luzuriaga, CK Su, MA Weilert, HJ Maris
Journal of low temperature physics 113, 485-490, 1998
Low temperature internal friction peak in high Tc superconductors
E Rodriguez, J Luzuriaga, MN Regueiro, C Fainstein
Solid state communications 77 (10), 777-780, 1991
Interaction of vortices with oriented twin boundaries in single-crystal YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7− δ
JA Herbsommer, G Nieva, J Luzuriaga
Physical Review B 61 (17), 11745, 2000
Critical temperature and density of states in amorphous Zr70Cu30
L Civale, F De la Cruz, J Luzuriaga
Solid state communications 48 (4), 389-391, 1983
Anomalous Trajectories of H2 Solid Particles Observed Near a Sphere Oscillating in Superfluid Turbulent 4He
E Zemma, J Luzuriaga
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 173, 71-79, 2013
Angular variation of pinning near the irreversibility temperature in single crystal Y Ba2Cu3O7− δ with splayed columnar defects
JA Herbsommer, J Luzuriaga, L Civale, G Nieva, G Pasquini, H Lanza, ...
Physica C: Superconductivity 304 (1-2), 112-118, 1998
Measurements of turbulence onset and dissipation in superfluid helium with a silicon double paddle oscillator
E Zemma, J Luzuriaga
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 166, 171-181, 2012
Softening of the flux-line structure in La 1.8 Sr 0.2 CuO 4 measured by a vibrating reed
E Rodrguez, J Luzuriaga, CA D’Ovidio, DA Esparza
Physical Review B 42 (16), 10796, 1990
Dynamic and static mechanical measurements of flux-lattice softening and associated hysteretic depinning dissipation peak in YBa2Cu3Ox ceramic
G D'anna, W Benoit, J Luzuriaga, H Berger
Europhysics Letters 13 (5), 465, 1990
Magnetization collapse in polycrystalline YBCO under transport current cycles
JL Giordano, J Luzuriaga, A Badía-Majós, G Nieva, I Ruiz-Tagle
Superconductor Science and Technology 19 (4), 385, 2006
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