Lincoln Turner
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Zitiert von
PHI: A powerful new program for the analysis of anisotropic monomeric and exchange‐coupled polynuclear d‐ and f‐block complexes
NF Chilton, RP Anderson, LD Turner, A Soncini, KS Murray
Journal of Computational Chemistry 34 (13), 1164-1175, 2013
Spinor dynamics in an antiferromagnetic spin-1 condensate
AT Black, E Gomez, LD Turner, S Jung, PD Lett
Physical review letters 99 (7), 070403, 2007
Precision atomic gravimeter based on Bragg diffraction
PA Altin, MT Johnsson, V Negnevitsky, GR Dennis, RP Anderson, ...
New Journal of Physics 15 (2), 023009, 2013
Quantum Phase Transitions and Continuous Observation of Spinor Dynamics<? format?> in an Antiferromagnetic Condensate
Y Liu, S Jung, SE Maxwell, LD Turner, E Tiesinga, PD Lett
Physical review letters 102 (12), 125301, 2009
X-ray phase imaging: Demonstration of extended conditions with homogeneous objects
LD Turner, BB Dhal, JP Hayes, AP Mancuso, KA Nugent, D Paterson, ...
Optics express 12 (13), 2960-2965, 2004
Frequency noise characterisation of narrow linewidth diode lasers
LD Turner, KP Weber, CJ Hawthorn, RE Scholten
Optics communications 201 (4-6), 391-397, 2002
Relative intensity squeezing by four-wave mixing with loss: an analytic model and experimental diagnostic
M Jasperse, LD Turner, RE Scholten
Optics express 19 (4), 3765-3774, 2011
Mode stability of external cavity diode lasers
SD Saliba, M Junker, LD Turner, RE Scholten
Applied optics 48 (35), 6692-6700, 2009
A scripted control system for autonomous hardware-timed experiments
PT Starkey, CJ Billington, SP Johnstone, M Jasperse, K Helmerson, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 84 (8), 2013
A slow atom source using a collimated effusive oven and a single-layer variable pitch coil Zeeman slower
SC Bell, M Junker, M Jasperse, LD Turner, YJ Lin, IB Spielman, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 81 (1), 2010
Number fluctuations and energy dissipation in sodium spinor condensates
Y Liu, E Gomez, SE Maxwell, LD Turner, E Tiesinga, PD Lett
Physical review letters 102 (22), 225301, 2009
Diffraction-contrast imaging of cold atoms
LD Turner, K Domen, RE Scholten
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 72 (3), 031403, 2005
Off-resonant defocus-contrast imaging of cold atoms
LD Turner, KP Weber, D Paganin, RE Scholten
Optics letters 29 (3), 232-234, 2004
Wideband laser locking to an atomic reference with modulation transfer spectroscopy
V Negnevitsky, LD Turner
Optics express 21 (3), 3103-3113, 2013
Sub-Doppler bandwidth atomic optical filter
LD Turner, V Karaganov, PJO Teubner, RE Scholten
Optics letters 27 (7), 500-502, 2002
A versatile high resolution objective for imaging quantum gases
LM Bennie, PT Starkey, M Jasperse, CJ Billington, RP Anderson, ...
Optics express 21 (7), 9011-9016, 2013
Magnetic tensor gradiometry using Ramsey interferometry of spinor condensates
AA Wood, LM Bennie, A Duong, M Jasperse, LD Turner, RP Anderson
Physical Review A 92 (5), 053604, 2015
Sub-kilohertz laser linewidth narrowing using polarization spectroscopy
JS Torrance, BM Sparkes, LD Turner, RE Scholten
Optics Express 24 (11), 11396-11406, 2016
Directional limits on persistent gravitational waves using LIGO S5 science data
BP Abbott, R Abbott, M Abernathy, T Accadia, F Acernese, C Adams, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1109.1809, 2011
Continuous Faraday measurement of spin precession without light shifts
M Jasperse, MJ Kewming, SN Fischer, P Pakkiam, RP Anderson, ...
Physical Review A 96 (6), 063402, 2017
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