Čedo Branković
Čedo Branković
Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service
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RegCM4: model description and preliminary tests over multiple CORDEX domains
F Giorgi, E Coppola, F Solmon, L Mariotti, MB Sylla, X Bi, N Elguindi, ...
Climate Research 52, 7-29, 2012
Dynamical seasonal prediction
J Shukla, J Anderson, D Baumhefner, Č Branković, Y Chang, E Kalnay, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 81 (11), 2593-2606, 2000
Modeling interannual variations of summer monsoons
TN Palmer, Č Branković, P Viterbo, MJ Miller
Journal of climate 5 (5), 399-417, 1992
A probability and decision‐model analysis of PROVOST seasonal multi‐model ensemble integrations
TN Palmer, Č Branković, DS Richardson
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 126 (567), 2013-2033, 2000
Predictability of seasonal atmospheric variations
Č Branković, TN Palmer, L Ferranti
Journal of Climate 7 (2), 217-237, 1994
The ECMWF implementation of three‐dimensional variational assimilation (3D‐Var). III: Experimental results
E Andersson, J Haseler, P Undén, P Courtier, G Kelly, D Vasiljevic, ...
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 124 (550), 1831-1860, 1998
Extended‐range predictions with ECMWF models: Time‐lagged ensemble forecasting
Č Branković, TN Palmer, F Molteni, S Tibaldi, U Cubasch
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 116 (494), 867-912, 1990
Dynamical seasonal predictability of the Asian summer monsoon
KR Sperber, C Brankovic, M Deque, CS Frederiksen, R Graham, A Kitoh, ...
Monthly Weather Review 129 (9), 2226-2248, 2001
Atmospheric seasonal predictability and estimates of ensemble size
Č Branković, TN Palmer
Monthly weather review 125 (5), 859-874, 1997
Seasonal skill and predictability of ECMWF PROVOST ensembles
Č Branković, TN Palmer
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 126 (567), 2035-2067, 2000
Extended‐range predictions with ecmwf models: Influence of horizontal resolution on systematic error and forecast skill
S Tibaldi, TN Palmer, Č Branković, U Cubasch
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 116 (494), 835-866, 1990
The 1988 US drought linked to anomalous sea surface temperature
TN Palmer, Č Branković
Nature Publishing Group 338 (6210), 54-57, 1989
Assessment of climate change impacts on energy generation from renewable sources in Croatia
R Pašičko, Č Branković, Z Šimić
Renewable Energy 46, 224-231, 2012
The European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) program on extended-range prediction
TN Palmer, C Brankovic, F Molteni, S Tibaldi, L Ferranti, A Hollingsworth, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 71 (9), 1317-1330, 1990
Extended‐range predictions with ecmwf models: Interannual variability in operational model integrations
TN Palmer, Č Branković, F Molteni, S Tibaldi
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 116 (494), 799-834, 1990
Impact of horizontal resolution on seasonal integrations
Č Branković, D Gregory
Climate dynamics 18 (1-2), 123-143, 2001
Evaluating climate change at the Croatian Adriatic from observations and regional climate models’ simulations
Č Branković, I Güttler, M Gajić-Čapka
Climate dynamics 41, 2353-2373, 2013
Winter ENSO teleconnections in a warmer climate
I Herceg-Bulić, Č Branković, F Kucharski
Climate dynamics 38 (7-8), 1593-1613, 2012
Seasonal prediction of blocking frequency: Results from winter ensemble experiments
V Pavan, S Tibaldi, Č Branković
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 126 (567), 2125-2142, 2000
Predictability of snow‐depth anomalies over Eurasia and associated circulation patterns
S Corti, F Molteni, Č Branković
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 126 (562), 241-262, 2000
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